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3 most important basics of professional training

3 most important basics of professional training

When training is a process Steady aspire to gain People Experience Skills and Techniques Close to the future through training programs steady that based on principles general and basic practices , Just as you should rely on Effective methods for successful operation training .
    3 most important basics of professional training

3 most important basics of professional training

The first requirement : the principles of training

Until Training programs achieve a degree of effectiveness and efficiency, and are successful and reliable Continuous progress should be based on number of principles Necessary and those last what are Only general regulations have been established and its performance as indicative standards for transportation Professionalism and diversion of the destination in line with The objectives of the business, individuals, and The most important of these principles are:
1 – Individual Differences
Which Should be based With training to recognize the extent Extended from the individual differences between the trainees where Few people learn way faster than the others, just like that Limited number of people appear Great variables from others in the speed of their acceptance of types specific of education or training , Where individual differences remain between Characters from As their background past, education, experience and personal preferences, Therefore, all these things should be taken into account when designing training programmes.
2 – Relation to job analysis
that Job inspection and description should Indicates the knowledge and experience obtained her from all filled , so the The exercise should be directed to These needs identified in the process Adjectives and pictures of jobs, just like that Adjective and photographing jobs Determinants and rules of improvement can Well to focus Caution on This additional knowledge and experience is required to obtainThe employee on improvement , which the training programs can provide the trainers with, and on this it is possible to determine the areas of dwindling and unworthiness of the employees and thus determine the training needs.

3 – Motivation
Each one has its own characteristics and advantages assigned to it that distinguishes it from The rest of the characters , try Learn about motivations , goals , needs, and expectations The person supports the Teach the need to enrich, diversify, and identify incentives Cash and moral that drives and motivates person to Take the trouble to study and learn valuing others and social status, responsibility and achievement,
Even if it is a program Supports the person Investigate a little from Those purposes , the That’s easy Lots of learning process person for example The person with a low professional rate , who He gets the possibility to increase and upgrade his skills He has a high motivation to learn because watching that Exaggerating his skills will enable him to High income and a sense of job security.
4- Careful selection of trainees
The selection of the candidate components for the training programs must be completed in an accurate and objective manner , and the candidate must have a real desire to enter the training program, because his lack of desire will lead to him not benefiting adequately from the training course.
just like that Desire alone is not enough But it should be Associated with the compatibility of the content and content of the training program with a specialization The candidate and his level of employment also because There are practical cases sequential in Practice companies to be nominated in A limited number of working personalities to training courses that do not fit their job levels position is from Better to nominate her other people To meet and accomplish the actual benefit of them.

5- Follow -up to the trainee after training

In addition, the direct supervisor handles Deterioration points for the trainee After completing the training program and starting his work, he is one of the The necessary method Programmed and organized completion By preparing a special form So the intent is to monitor and reveal the differences in his personal and social behavior and the extent of the impact rehearsing them, Also , Domain has an effect on me How to perform his work and determine Major advances in performance rate and its productivity emulate what was above before training .
6- The necessity of practical practice for the trainee
In order to get the skill experience , knowledge or destination effectively, the trainee must participate and give him the possibility and appropriate time to teach , It is necessary to have the training tools and means available in the place of the exercise in conformity with what is found in the work environment conditions and for the trainee to know the meaning and content of that and its farthest and method and how to operate it without dangers .
7 – Transition from wholes to molecules
you didn’t get it Studies in the aftermath to determine is the most appropriate learn Effort all at once or learn it on successive periods based on its components, the more complex it is The work was complex when it was from Optimum Learn it on extended according to its parts Then the apprentice learns How and how to put the parts together, and how to overlap them to form work as a whole, Therefore, creating a reason for the trainee to learn is one of the primary duties of the trainer.
There are other basic principles that require the highest attention , which are:
* Training is a long-term investment , its effects are not clarified until after it is put into practice.
* Training is a major ongoing activity.Training is an essential administrative function .
Training is a self-integrated system that interacts with environmental conditions .
* Training does not accept fixed types … It is a variable and renewable activity in nature.
* Training is a process of communication and participation between the parties, each of which plays an essential role.

3 most important basics of professional training

The second requirement : training procedures

A good exercise program needs to follow a number of practices and steps:
Training and qualification of the trainer :
It requires that the sports director be familiar with the various aspects related to the work that trains the characters above him , and the approach and method of their education, in other words, that he is qualified for this , and he can examine the effort to its components and parts , and he can teach and exercise the characters on a specific part and show the connection of that with the other parts and the work as a whole. And to be provided with advice and means that support the pursuit of that purpose , such as means of clarification and others, and to have a location similar to the effort environment, including the abovementioned equipment and tools.
Preparing and preparing the trainee:
That lacks good equipment For exercise headquarters , with Pay attention to the technical director on The words of the necessity of effort and its relationship The flow of procedures , and the importance of speed and effectiveness in learning And so it refers to the processing and initialization The trainee ‘s brain to comprehend Data and instructions for the duration of the exercise .
Review of the effort and its performance:
There are plenty of ways to clarify and explain Operation method of operation At the hands of clarification , as well as a sermon and interpretation of varying points by means of pictures Cinematography and other media auxiliary in exercise , If the exercise was on The effort is practical sermon The best tool for exercise and from
The most appropriate attention to the logical repetition of these steps:* Explain and explain the logical sequence of the work as a whole.
* Enter into the act or stages assigned by working slowly and step by step.
* Leave the trainee a possibility to explain each step and the relevant instructions for each of them.
* Give the trainee a possibility to explain the effort as a whole and the style of its performance.

Give the trainee the possibility to actually practice the performance:
In the aftermath of passing the previous stages, the matter should be started by the trainee with practical application, as it starts slowly, and the few may see that the trainee clarifies each period before practicing it, especially if the process involves risks .
continue :
It is necessary to reconsider one from time to time to find out the fact that he is doing work in a proper manner . And we point out here that the person ’s body must be aware of the person’s performance before and after the exercise ,
And the entrance So it is a productivity measurement The one trained before Joining the exercise and after To get an idea of the effect Exercise its productivity both from As a quantitative or qualitative measurement, You follow the benefit like Those programs and what There is no doubt that The administrative development is twofold the eldest grows Each one has his administrative or operational capabilities and competencies Hand practice and experience with must exist need for development, So the good program for development helps create Ambient atmosphere suitable for stimulating Self development .
3 most important basics of professional training

The third requirement : training methods

The technical director, while administering the lesson, uses a large number of technical methods that enable him to clarify ideas and install them in the minds and within the framework of those methods : lecture, discussion , role play, case studies, Study events , matches , exercises , behavior modeling, and others. We will present these methods in the following lines :The lecture method

The concept of the lecture method can be explained as a process of “learning and news,” in other words, it is represented in a written dialogue presented by a person to several people. That conversation may or may not belong to an argument , and the superiority of such a method depends on the lecturer himself , and on his skill and ability to arrange his thoughts and opinions and present them to his listeners.
Therefore , the issue is not easy, because he lacks talents , quality , efficiency, and personal strength in the lecturer, which may not be found for everyone , so the lecture style requires the lecturer to have a huge rate of ability to influence the group that received the highest lecture, One of the most important disadvantages of this method is that it may not allow the field to confront the group for discussion and exchange of ideas .
The line manager or supervisor trains new employee , According to this method and method , the employee ’s exercise is completed in the same breath Voltage position and all times Government effort , and on This ends the exercise Both natural environmental conditions monetary or intangible place effort is The same is the position of the exercise and the supervisor or direct superior is Same technical director .
The sports director shows how to perform and detailed practices . Then he asks the trainee and encourages him to do the performance , and hints that this method is not commensurate with manual and productive actions , and it is possible to obtain good results if the direct supervisor stands on his feet by using such a method, especially in small training groups .
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3 most important basics of professional training

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3 most important basics of professional training

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