5 most important professional elements of the training process
The training process consists of several components organized into one cycle, And if we show one of the definitions of training, we can define the elements of the training process through it .
Training is a systematic , continuous process designed to help individuals acquire knowledge, skill experience , and basic directions to improve their performance of the duties of the positions they occupy.
Training is a systematic , continuous process designed to help individuals acquire knowledge, skill experience , and basic directions to improve their performance of the duties of the positions they occupy.
5 most important professional elements of the training process
Therefore, it is a ” systematic process” and is not left to diligence and initiatives. Because he effort “Continuous “designed” by Specialists who identify training needsFor the people they target training , In order to provide them with knowledge and professional and positive destination , This justifies the need for a “trainer” and is Destination of Training in relation to the organization is Update performance of duties The profession he occupies the employee .
We are here in front of a large number of elements , namely the trainee, the trainer , the scientific material, the training methods , the training atmosphere , the process of the training body , and the follow- up and evaluation it requires.
We are here in front of a large number of elements , namely the trainee, the trainer , the scientific material, the training methods , the training atmosphere , the process of the training body , and the follow- up and evaluation it requires.
These elements can be explained as follows
1- The trainee:
Usually, the employee is scientifically qualified to the extent of his ability to perform his work tasks , just as he obtains experience over time to help him adapt and adapt to various changes .
Rather , development does not stop, accompanied by a boom in technology and its methods , and that requires the necessity of increasing the number of new and not relying on experience or scientific qualification, and it is hinted that few employees transcend training , and they see that they do not lack it and that it is a waste of time for them.
Rather , development does not stop, accompanied by a boom in technology and its methods , and that requires the necessity of increasing the number of new and not relying on experience or scientific qualification, and it is hinted that few employees transcend training , and they see that they do not lack it and that it is a waste of time for them.
If this feeling is found in the trainee, then the reason for the training is negative and leaves its impact on the investigation of the benefit of the training , and a large number of organizations have paid attention to the motivation of training , for example, linking revision to training and allocating material rewards to the outstanding.
The success of training depends to a great extent on the presence of a trainee who is convinced of the importance of training , and his need for it, and the presence of trainees who share the same goals , experiences and job rates .
2- The coach :
The role of the trainer in the training process differs from the role of the teacher in the teaching process. The trainer plays the role of guide, mentor, critic and observer. Therefore, it is essential to choose the appropriate trainer who combines the educational qualification and practical experience that makes him able to use the different methods and methods of training in accordance with the rate of trainees and the nature and objectives of the training .
The trainer bears the responsibility of preparing and selecting the current scientific material , and setting behavioral goals for the trainees at the beginning of the training , and he does not specify them , except that he asks the trainees to do that with specifying their destination for self- assessment in the conclusion .
The nature of the training determines who is the appropriate trainer . The training may not be in the category that lacks verbal ability . Rather, it focuses on practical training , and thus it is possible for the trainer to be within the organization, such as the supervisor or the manager.
In order to assist the training director in selecting the appropriate trainer , the following criteria should be taken :
( a) to have the eagerness to train ;
b- That he has the ability to interact with different types of people, under different conditions ;
c- intelligence;
d- Incentives for the trainer , i.e. does the trainer search his job as a trainer for necessary needs such as ownership and security, Or the higher needs, such as the center, evaluation , and self- inquiry . It is expected that the coach who searches for the necessary needs may not be able to achieve excellence as a coach;
E- Self- adjustment and continuation of what is found in his field of work. This can be ascertained through personal confrontation ;
f- Social ties and not being isolated from the trainees, so the trainer helps the trainer to perform his role in the training room and to break the cold between the trainees and between them and the trainer ;
g- to be able to examine ;
H- Experience ( a trainer who teaches the authority , for example, must have sufficient experience as a manager).
b- That he has the ability to interact with different types of people, under different conditions ;
c- intelligence;
d- Incentives for the trainer , i.e. does the trainer search his job as a trainer for necessary needs such as ownership and security, Or the higher needs, such as the center, evaluation , and self- inquiry . It is expected that the coach who searches for the necessary needs may not be able to achieve excellence as a coach;
E- Self- adjustment and continuation of what is found in his field of work. This can be ascertained through personal confrontation ;
f- Social ties and not being isolated from the trainees, so the trainer helps the trainer to perform his role in the training room and to break the cold between the trainees and between them and the trainer ;
g- to be able to examine ;
H- Experience ( a trainer who teaches the authority , for example, must have sufficient experience as a manager).
3- Scientific subject:
Regardless of the difference between training and education in its objectives and methods, but that difference does not mean that readings, books and references should not be attended , any initiation of a theory, the highest of which is based on the trainee in the application process.
Rather , the difference is that the scientific material with regard to training is usually brief and the trainer does not explain and detail it as the teacher does, but it is within the framework of the contents of the training bag so that the trainee returns to it in the time when he is comfortable with it.
Rather , the difference is that the scientific material with regard to training is usually brief and the trainer does not explain and detail it as the teacher does, but it is within the framework of the contents of the training bag so that the trainee returns to it in the time when he is comfortable with it.
Also , the scientific material includes applications, exercises and case studies that are forbidden to be used in the training room , and some of them are done by the trainee alone. Some of them are performed in a group manner by distributing the trainees into groups. It is important for the scientific subject to assign its preparation to the trainer who will implement the training program. And to be inhabited by specialists before training , and inhabited by trainees after training .
Even training with a dyed color process must have theoretical initiations and entrances. This does not indicate a flaw in the training process, but rather the deficiency and defect sometimes lies in the technical director ‘s style when he tends to theoretical methods such as lectures.
4- Training atmosphere :
The training environment includes the training site , the training rooms and the audio-visual media therein , and all healthy working conditions such as ventilation, lighting and comfortable seats, The presence of servo rooms for the work of groups, And that the number of trainees is appropriate for the purpose of the exercise .
It is very appropriate for those responsible for the exercise to have a role in the period of preparing the specialized buildings for training , and many training institutes resort to renting rooms in hotels, may be Those rooms are accident , Rather , the sure thing is that determining The appropriate placement is based on the nature of Training class , example That’s it If the purpose of training is meditation, It is recommended to find a quiet home for exercise ,
And if it is nature Training requires movement, so it is necessary Find an extended position or Diverse rooms so intent , see The few that isolate the trainee spatially and psychologically from his work and from his manager is One of the determinants and positive rules that support me The superiority of training , and the coach is seen in Those position on the grounds that he is a manager training .
What helps the trainer to perform his work is the presence within the room to move the seats and the headquarters and segmentation of the trainees according to the training method followed.
What helps the trainer to perform his work is the presence within the room to move the seats and the headquarters and segmentation of the trainees according to the training method followed.
It is self- evident that it is necessary to save audio and visual aids such as the blackboard, models, films , slide presentation device and any other materials that help in conducting practical applications within the training room .
5- Training methods :
The method is not qualitative , the first is how the trainer implements the training program. The second is what we referred to in the previous item , such as models and cinematographic works , and the training methods are many and different , and the trainer has to choose what suits the nature of the training and the quality and level of the trainees from both a scientific and practical point of view.
The method , method, or method of training is the road leading to the training destination .
The method , method, or method of training is the road leading to the training destination .
And the coach prefers the highest and highest speed methods , and among those methods are the following
A- The lecture: The lecture method is considered one of the most important educational methods that primarily aim at communicating data by an individual to a small or huge group of listeners;
B – practical cases: It is a condensed representation of a specific event or situation that is given to the trainees, They are asked to examine or solve the problem using what they have acquired from theoretical knowledge over a specific period of time;
C- Role-playing: Role -playing is considered a training method in which the participants – as it is theoretical – bear an identity that differs from their governmental identity, in line with the reality of hypothetical problems in the field of human relations and other fields .
D- Administrative match : It is a dynamic exercise that is considered a microcosm of a specific reality derived from the administrative atmosphere surrounding it;
E- Programmed Education: This method depends on enabling the trainee to teach himself , by following a series of steps that lead in the completion to goals that have been carefully identified;
F- Working groups: This name is given to any method of work carried out by a small group of people in the way of achieving a specific goal .
5 most important professional elements of the training process
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