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10 curricula in project management and education

مقالات ينصح بقرائتها أيضاً

Project Management is defined as a specialty related to the organization and management of resources available in projects, Such as: human or material resources, In a way that the project can be successfully completed taking into account the quality, time and cost factors available

10 curricula in project management and education


  • Project management on The Agyal Methodology
  • The rhythmic methodology, in addition to the criteria- the approach is flexible and adaptable to the size, risk and complexity of the project; recommends when and how to use these tools; adapts to the company, organization or department.
  • Critical Series Project Management (CCPM) – A project planning and management approach that focuses more on the resources required to carry out project tasks.
  • Event Series Approach – A scheduling method for modelling uncertainty and network analysis focuses on identifying and managing events and event chains that affect project schedules.
  • Extreme Project Management (XPM) – refers to highly complex and uncertain approaches.
  • Agile Project Management – Agile Concepts.
  • Institute (PMI) – Certificates and Standards
  • International Project Management Association (IPMA) – standards, guidelines and certificates.
  • PRINCE2 – Project management methods and certification plan, monitor, control and control all aspects of the project and motivate all project participants to achieve project objectives on time, cost, quality and performance.
  • Operations-based management

10 curricula in project management and education 1 10 curricula in project management and education


Is the process of planning and controlling the performance or implementation of the project. Typical stages include the following processes:

  • Project launch or project diarrhea
  • Planning and design
  • Implementation and construction
  • Surveillance and control
  • Close, terminate or complete the project

Education in project management




Professional certificates in project management

  • professional
  • Certified colleague
  • Certified expert
  • TOCICO Critical Chain Certificate (International Limitations Theory Certificate)

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