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3 most important professional training methods

Means in ways training  she method and how  ( method ) which Complete by it showing  Training material.
    3 most important professional training methods

3 most important professional training methods

the reasons  that define style  Training :
 Trainees: Should  attention  Ages, gender, educational level and experiences of the trainees.
 modes  Training : time  trainingheadquarters  trainingfacilities  and materials  Available , number of trainees.
 text  training .
 Features  Relative to the coach.

divided  Methods  training  to three  types :

Methods  Display: lecture, Scientific/illustrative application.
Methods  ContributionNegotiations , study  Adverb , role play, brainstorming, groups  Dialogue , social drama, games and other story  complete .
 Activities  Outside  room  Trainingcostsprojects , field visits  trips

Below  An overview of the three types:

Or not:  Techniques  Display:

from roads popular in different  Training courses and which cross out on her hand  Transfer of knowledge and information to the trainees, presentation purposes  The course and its program is one of  General examples SoExplain and teach method  The selection of research samples is System latest .
 Methods  The show is a sermon in most  Its parts are a tool  Direction connection Person  between Technical Director  And the apprentice. It is economical than so Place  and time As she can  to present size particle  From knowledge content to copious amounts of  attendance at Stage  short time.
and disadvantages Methods  Display Represented in  The nature of her passive style and limitations her win  at had brought interest  Trainees and their continued focus to meet and accomplish Quantity  Satisfactory of remembering and recalling.

1. Lecture:

she one of  more roads  common in illustration data  in groups The enormous . Connection Usually it is in the direction of individualI have  Presentation of the lecture The audience listens and records dots It is usual to Complete  ask questions In the wake of consequence  lecture.
lecture could  from Clarification amount huge  from data  at Phase  short of Eternity .
that sound adapt  The lecture for the situations in which it is time  limited. and it is possible Exaggerate and revision  lecture efficacy by use  visual aids the incident  from literature support  The recipient in forming a mental image about matter  Presenter and make it more focused.
What is taken into account?  I have  use  Lecture style:
an average  distinguish  The lecture can be controlled via  an average  distinguish  Vocabulary  Pronounced:
  •  Make your voice heard by everyone.
  •  Avoid vocabulary  opaque .
  •  Avoid unfamiliar vocal tones.
  •  Avoid dialogue  hasty  or slow  to the same degree .
  •  use  slate  In the presentation of the lecture  appointed  on  headquarters  ideas.
  •  The spoken word is needed  nonverbal communication  Adapt :
  •  sure  That everyone can see you clearly.
  •  Avoid movements and customs  Which  blurry  to attend.
  •  Do not repeat the same words.
  •  Avoid strong lengthening and abbreviation:
  •  strong shortcut  It may disturb the lecture.
  •  Lengthening eases  potency.
  •  Choosing the appropriate training aids.
  •  Determine when it will take place  Ask questions ( preferred  ask questions I have conclusion  lecture but if it There is must So ).
  •  Use methods  practice  Other  throughout  Lecture (brainstorming or groups  argument ) to increase the effectiveness of the lecture

Lecture features :

  •  abbreviate the large number of  time .
  •  fit  uneven  Quantities  groups.
  •  don’t lack  to me  many of  hardware.
  •  can be updated  to fit  demand  trainees.

Lecture Parameters

  • Contact in the direction of an individual  Eases  from  food  Review and input.
  •  caution  say  when  The lecture was long.
  •  size  Remember and restore is  low
  •  Not suitable  for exercise  on  skills .

2. Demonstration:

The demo is

style finish use it  To provide how to  or professional specific lowest modes  real Similar  to reality. And the presentation put it  The matter of the lecture yearning for  Providing trainees with knowledge and skill experiences specific ,

 except if  at  Position  The demonstration the trainees  there is  for them  possibility  To see live results for the selected skill.
demo can pose  alive to do Sports Director carry out Function  required In a confrontation  apprentices or maybe Complete using  Visual aids (slide slides- video clip – Film work … etc.). Appear style and how  Do the assigned task lowest conditions specific .

one of more important point intensity  In the demo is that Appears style and how  do a task in a manner  TRUE, and he with that  be more persuasive where  Increases the trainee’s degree of confidence in Possibilities Sports Director add to  add get away  Practical application on exerciseFor this  he is Featuring  About the lecture solidification  from the app and more Saucepan recovery  And remember.

Advantages  Demo:

 raise the level  pay attention  and alert  the Apprentice.
 support  Practical application of lectures and theories.
 Vision  Direct raises the degree of credibility and confidence.
 the food  direct preponderance  and urgent .

Demonstration parameters:

 prices  and time period  the basic  to prepare  It could be  huge .
 may cause  Loss  Confidence  if not  level up  desired .
 favors  for groups  meager .
 Requires  to me  complete  Application  and exercise  to seize  My name  Results.

Secondly:  Techniques  Share :

The issueMethods  contribute .
( argument , study  circumstance , role playing, brainstorming).

At the end of the session, the trainee should be able to:

Get to know a few  Methods  the exercise  by contributing  and make apps  above it .
Methods  the exercise  by contributing  Ensures the participation of trainees in the learning process and enables them to express their views and encourages them to  benefit  From their experiences in  Events  exercise .

 that Add to  that it While  confined Methods  Presentation on the trainee’s participation by listening as  He is in the lecture or the vision as  is for demonstration, then Methods Contribute cause  Subscribe to trainees in a manner  Active in the education process.

Faults and deficiencies  potential methods Contribute  in it need The large number of time  and weak possibility  control sports director  In process Application efforts .

1. Discussions:

It is a training method so finish  there is a proposal article  what before sports directorand spoke  discuss it in a manner  share with Shareholders and puberty to  Conclusions and suggestions sing that matter .
I have  Act  Negotiations  Complete  use  Two types of questions:

Open Questions:

They are questions that can use  at instigation  spontaneity and spontaneity, Which Allows  for trainees using  Their language and expressions competentI have  respond to questions, and then Prepare that  sustainable method Discussion  Caring and encouraging contribute .

questions  enclosed :

And she is the most benefit  at leadership Discussion  and focus on point certainso  It lack Solution certain  for questions certain  It thus reminds the trainees of the main points in dialogue .

Hints  I have  use  Negotiations :

Negotiations  not subject benefit  in groups that win over  25 participants. And the more has increased  the number within That  the group when  Ask the topic skill experiences  and capabilities bigger  from Technical Director an interest discussion .
o in  Attitude  Exaggerate  number about  that  fate  impact  distribution  Trainees into groups  slim .
inevitable  give instructions obvious  for groups Contribute  at arguing  set the errand the goal including  do them.
when  The group begins at arguing require  on Sports Director complete Envelope check about  clarity watching when  trainees about Function  entrusted to them.
Until now  showing  and discuss group results  require  to do  Sports Director  reinforced  The learning process is by reviewing and summarizing the results and giving feedback  concluding .

Negotiations  Non  original :

Sometimes it is from purposeful written agreement discussions  Non government Allows  For trainees to express their opinions on invitation auxiliary and give advice  at Few Topics  that interest them. And that vary  on Negotiations original  As it is not included in the agenda the exercise  Nor lack  Which pattern  from getting ready  advance.
the cost  The real discussions are not  original  She is:
o reverence  food  back  purposeful  Concerning  Visions  and feelings  trainees.
o enable  complete  leadership  which is achieved.
encourage and support  apprentices to  contribute .

Advantages  Negotiations :

encourage and support  apprentices to  Modify  skill experiences  Connection.
o enable  Interpretation  And the question  about  proposals .
Allows  food  back  fast  and born  category  of cooperation.
o enable  trade  ideas  and experiences.
can make up  useful  at  ending  or  abbreviation  efforts  other training.

determinants  Negotiations :

o You may consume  many of  time .
superiority  based on  Interaction between group members.
o may control  the highest  limited number of  who are good at  Discussion  ( discussion ).
inevitable  to have Technical Director an average high from skill experiences  at body time  guiding discussion .

2. Study  statusthe condition  Tuition:

study Envelope Contains  Detailed test of position specificthat adverb It could be  real or virtual but rather  necessarily that finish  his choice carefully  to be clear and specializes in a manner  Directly in the general framework of the training program.

in a study  Envelope  Trainees develop their skills in thinking, analysis and inference  about  Theoretical and applied principles.

It is point intensity  in study style Situation  in it confuse  Among the practical approaches to solving problems  With examination  deep for cases confined .

 by  Introducing Realism to  room  exercise , it is  optimum  use  study Situation  As a complement to the methods  the exercise

Third: Managing the training process.

A trainer who seeks with trainees to achieve a common goal that achieves interests for them or the organization by presenting a good training curriculum or material that is presented and presented in interesting ways and attractive means in an appropriate time and a distinguished training location. Dr. Kurt Toschi says  : kurttuchi
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3 most important professional training methods
    11 Most Important Professional Skills for a Successful Coach
3 most important professional training methods

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3 most important professional training methods

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