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The electrical engineering course is the goal of many graduates of this distinguished department, Students learn about applications related to electricity, different types of electrical circuits, and work systems related to engines and generators, In addition to a lot of knowledge about electronics. . As well as renewable energy sources for power generation such as: winds And solar energy, And hydrodynamics. Etc. After the completion of the university, Students desperately need many modern skills and information in the field of electricity. geometry; Everyone knows many disciplines don’t have all the requirements of electrical engineering jobs.

What new technologies are used to offer electrical engineering courses ?

Courses in electrical engineering 1 Courses in electrical engineering

Over time, Technology has allowed us to understand everything in modern times, The field of training is no longer isolated from it, The training place is no longer confined to a seat and a blackboard, as some believe, Students or trainees receive lectures at home using a computer, mobile phone, iPad or anything else have access to the Internet, This method saves time and allows people with barriers of consent to obtain on-site subjects without much effort, It is a good way and has become a large number of people who want to get an interest in electrical engineering courses.

What is the most important branch of electrical engineering?

Courses in electrical engineering 2 Courses in electrical engineering

There are several branches of electrical engineering, the most prominent of which are: Control engineering, communication engineering, signal engineering, computer engineering, engine engineering, energy engineering and electronic engineering, All are required by the internal or external labour market at that time.

Important information on the history of electricity science:

What are the most prominent types of courses ?

Courses in electrical engineering 3 Courses in electrical engineering

There are countless types of electrical engineering courses, Here we will try to understand as many of them as possible:

Energy system protection cycle, AutoCAD cycle, Engineer Management Technology Course, Contracting course in energy contracting, Communication network cycle, High-voltage circuit repair cycle, Technology and reform method cycle, Electrical appliances, Cable cycle and logical console programming cycle, Electromechanical engineering course, Transformers maintenance and operation cycle, Computer system maintenance cycle, PMP project management course, Electric safety system cycle, E.TABES cycle, The cycle of electrical installation of the plant, The electrical installation course of the hospital and the treatment center, PV technology cycle and related applications, Urban network maintenance course, Control panel and power layout cycle, Generator system cycle and sudden load effect, Cycle of electrical installation, Power transmission maintenance cycle network, Engineering drawing reading course, Engine maintenance cycle electric power generation cycle, Dangerous electrical installation cycle, Energy distribution system planning cycle, Design and implementation of grounding cables, Cycle winding and assembling the continuous current engine, Roll the AC engine and assembly cycle, Control of electrical equipment through energy electronics, Microe device maintenance cycle, Large-scale project cycles, And partial control cycles.

What are the determining factors in choosing the right place and getting a course?

A particular location can be selected and an electrical engineering course can be obtained in Jordan through some critical key factors, Which:

Courses in electrical engineering 4 Courses in electrical engineering

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