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Everything you want to know about designing training bags

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Everything you want to know about designing training bags

The training bag is the training content in a particular area, The trainer uses and adapts this content in order to obtain the right to develop the goal of the training bag.
    Everything you want to know about designing training bags

Everything you want to know about designing training bags

A broad definition of the training bag has been developed, Including the definition, Any training group is a set of tools, information and messages, Through which the target group can understand the training materials and obtain a set of skills and rules. Process components directly for training. The training bag plays an important role in helping the coach understand all the points the trainee wants to learn, But for the coach to explain all these points, You should be able to prepare and design the training bag correctly. The design of the preparatory training bag requires that the trainer have rich experience in this field, Below we will explain how to prepare and design the training bag.

The goal of preparing and designing training bags

The primary purpose of preparing and designing the training bag is to prepare a plan for the actual training of the content of the training bag by preparing the necessary scientific materials and procedural steps.
Preparing and designing training bags based on knowledge, And the training goals, And skills, And training methods, Decision-making methods at the design stage to ensure that training planning and implementation depend on reasonable scientific and technical standards. Until the training bags are well prepared and designed, It must be designed to achieve a series of basic purposes, The most prominent are:
  • Learn about the content of the course that trainees must master.
  • To clarify the objectives, conditions, duration and targeted work of the course.
  • The training unit for each topic must determine its time, objectives and topics.
  • The roles involved in the training process must be clarified and divided between trainers and trainees.
  • It should also be used as a general guide for training courses.
  • Materials and scientific tools must also be provided for practical applications.

How to prepare and design training bags

Preparing and designing the training bag is one of the most important things that the coach must master, Because the training bag is divided into five parts, Because he must know how to design it, We will understand these parts below.
Part 1
The key to the training bag is: This part is one of the parts of the training bag and the first part that the trainer must design, This section must include documents, relevant items and relevant content, It must be relevant to the cycle. That the coach provide a comprehensive and comprehensive description, It includes all the elements, And does not exclude any elements, This part consists of several elements, These elements are:
  • Information bag cover model: In addition to courses and sections, This plan also includes the names of training materials, And the names of the people who prepare the training bags, And scientific reference materials, Cover forms must include the names of the persons who developed them. Training bags.
  • Index the main content.
  • A copy of the approved plan guide.
Part 2
From the course plan: This part is the second part of the training bag, The training materials in this part are divided into a group equal to the number of units, Each unit must be separated from the following unit with the following unit, which must consist of the name of the document and the content of the unit. The training consists of a set of elements. These elements are:
  • Training unit model: In addition to the topic, This form should also include the name of the training unit, And the number of hours required, And the goal of behavior.
  • Training courses: The training courses for each unit reflect the training activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the course within a specified time frame, The time frame must be between 50 and 100 minutes, For the course to succeed, it must include the course number, And the time spent in this training, And the objectives of the course, And the basic training activities of the course, And the basic time for training activities, When referring to training activities, The coach must mention the activities expected by the coach, How do I mention in the manual of the implementation of the training bag, Put in the execution procedures.
Part 3:
Scientific materials and applications: This section contains a range of elements, including:
  • A scientific material consisting of short definitions, In the form of these abbreviated definitions, Including definitions of terms related to the subject of the training unit, or familiar stage definitions and steps for the application.
  • Training applications and tools to implement them.

Part 4:

In this section a copy of the tool can be attached to measure the level of acquisition of skills and knowledge in order to use trainees, It is sufficient to state the type of evaluation and the level of each training module. Consider the evaluation of the objectives of the training unit, The ad hoc evaluation grades must be taken into account according to the weight of the training unit, So that the total evaluations of all units are equal to the total result of the training material, That’s 100 points.

Part 5:
This section includes a list of external reading materials related to and related to the training unit, As well as the basic reference materials used in the training bag, and her number and category and the publisher and the date of publication And the following content. For the purpose of scientific documentation, And also to help the trainees to refer to the pages related to scientific topics, And the pages on the subject.

What is the guide to the implementation of training bags?

The training bag guide was designed by a programmer, Because the designer set up a guide to carry out the training bag during the bag-making process, The guide was attached to the bag, And follow the same procedure for scientific, technical and official review, And after the final product, It is provided in detail so that trainers can use it when implementing training materials. The main purpose of this guide is to clarify the role of the trainer in the training process by clarifying training activities and the procedures for implementing these activities and managing them within a specific time frame. The guide also provides training aids and tools to measure knowledge acquisition and skills (evaluation). In order for the portfolio execution manual to succeed, It must contain a set of content, which we’ll learn in the next few lines.

Contents of the implementation of the training bag

When designing the manual for the implementation of the training bag, The designer should be careful not to repeat the elements contained in the training package, The training package implementation manual must include the following elements:
  • Cover: In addition to the preparation date, The cover must also contain the name of the material, the name of the program, the name of the sector and the name of the directory.
  • The name of the training unit: It should be mentioned in the training bag.
  • Training unit number: It is mentioned directly in the training bag.
  • Training time: As mentioned in the training bag.
  • Course number: It should also be mentioned in the training bag.
  • Mentioned in the course: Training bag.
  • Describe each training session.
  • Description of the process of carrying out each activity in the course.
  • Select the training tools that will be used in each training course.

What accessories should be included in the guide to implement training materials?

The manual for the implementation of training materials must be accompanied by all methods that help students, Such as slides, movie titles, accommodation and level in the Training Technology Library. In addition to the grades and evaluations allocated to them, The manual for the implementation of training materials must also be accompanied by tools to measure the level of knowledge and acquire skills, And model solutions.

What is the procedure for developing a range of training materials?

There are two types of development used to develop training packages:

  • Part of the means of development and implementation: In addition to the evaluation, This development also includes scientific materials, applications and methods, This can be completed without reference to the management and design of the program, so that the development is carried out under supervision in this case, The additives will be reviewed and their suitability to the facts determined, And if that’s not appropriate, It will be sent to the competent department of the printing and publishing center.
  • Comprehensive basic development: Include the basic components of the plan as an amendment to the number of hours allocated to materials in the approved plan, the training module manual or the time allocated to each unit or topic, In this case , In order to first develop the training plan, Please follow a series of procedures.
At last The product range was developed based on the modified content in the program. Therefore, we believe that designing and preparing the training bag is not an easy task because it needs to know all the rules to be followed to design the training bag so that the training bag succeeds and achieves the basic objectives. Get her target ready. At last We hope to have successfully provided the information through which we have explained how to prepare and design training bags.
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Everything you want to know about designing training bags

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Modify your training materials as often as you like as we provide you with open source training packages. Focus on delivering your course and leave the training materials to us.

Our main goal is to provide you with distinctive training bags that suit your training course so that you can present your courses and workshops in an ideal manner

Everything you want to know about designing training bags 1 Everything you want to know about designing training bags

Everything you want to know about designing training bags

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Everything you want to know about designing training bags

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