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The importance of the first meeting between the teacher and the students

The first impression that a teacher leaves in the mind of the learner continues until the end of the school year and this is very important because it represents the preservation of the relationship between the student and the teacher who understands this fact.

    The importance of the first meeting between the teacher and the students

The importance of the first meeting between the teacher and the students

Some teachers actively suppress students by saying: “Students become strong from the first day of enrolment.” Then they create terror and fear among the students, They believe that doing so gives students personal and power control over them, The result is therefore to cut off all hope for the good relationship that prevails between teachers. And his students.
In addition Some teachers ignored the impact of the first day on his relationship with the students, So they reduced their interaction with students who were about to feel the teacher’s pulse. They had some problems understanding the personality of the teacher, The teacher then lost a valuable opportunity to manage the class effectively and effectively.
Some teachers took this opportunity in the best way. He broke down the barriers of fear and fear among students and built a bridge of communication and passion. He was only able to establish this relationship that day, So the teacher must understand the students who are trying to remember their names, Or each of them the students prepare a piece of paper And they record his name and put it in front of him,

Because this is one of the favorite things of the students, “I call him the teacher.” The teacher must make it clear to the student that this social contract stems from his fear of his own interests. root of these concepts in love rather than violence; To this end to create a familiar atmosphere for students;Sing, devour and play simple games in the classroom to make everyone feel lonely and alone.

Skills of the first meeting between the teacher and the students

This is a set of behaviors performed by the teacher in the first meeting with students. The purpose is to accept, understand and communicate with them from the outset to introduce them to the curriculum, how to teach, learn and evaluate the classroom in classroom management as a rule.


At the beginning of the meeting with learners, the teacher must present himself in an appropriate way so that they have full confidence in themselves – not excessive or negligent – so that students do not feel superior to them, He is the knowledgeable one who introduced yourself in a way. Other ways the learner observed it strongly, especially the first meeting between the teacher and the students

Getting to know students

So as to enable each student to present himself in a way that suits him, Teachers with this skill must look at each student who presents himself and shows interest in him and turns to others until the end and suggests that some questions be used to open a way for dialogue, So that the teacher is familiar with the learner’s previous experience.
It is better for the teacher to call each learner by his name later. This can better affect students’ minds. For example If the teacher cannot remember the name because of the large number of students, So he can ask each student to write his name on a card or a small piece of paper, Then he put her sitting in his seat where he could see him, The teacher will remember these names over time.

Breaking the psychological barrier between teachers and learners

This is very important, This can be done in the following ways: Preparing the class before entering the class, and allowing students some forms of care and welcome, and prepare some kinds of candy to be presented to them in time, Except for the smile a magical effect on the heart.
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The importance of the first meeting between the teacher and the students

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