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Concepts of understanding training needs:

Understanding training needs is a strategic choice for any party looking to develop a talented staff that can meet the demands of the labor market and keep pace with the rapidly evolving and changing world of work.

Concepts for potentially meeting training needs:

Training needs are defined as a series of developments and changes in workers’ skills, experience and knowledge, In strengthening their abilities, attitudes and behaviors, Based on the apparent trends that the job requires to achieve specific goals, These trends reveal different indicators due to a lack of knowledge, abilities and skills, differences between an individual’s current performance and expected performance, which affects their behavior and attitude.

The need for training is a lack or discrepancy between the qualifications of the working individual and the requirements of the job

The importance of identifying training needs to achieve institutional objectives:

  1. Leads to the achievement of the goals of the institution.
  2. This is the real factor that increases the efficiency of employees in performing the tasks assigned to them.
  3. It is the basis of any training activity.
  4. It is one of the measures that guides training in the right direction.
  5. It’s the key factor in guiding the training available in the right direction.

Is it important to plan the training process?

There are two types of concepts of possible awareness of training needs:

Unconceived needs:

Unspecified performance problems (this person lacks all knowledge of performance gaps).

perceived performance problems, But he did not realize that the problem was due to a lack of training. (A person needs to be aware of the role of training in addressing performance problems.)

Perceived needs:

Perceived performance problems due to knowing the type of training required but not being able to determine how much training is required (the person knows the areas he needs for training but cannot rely on him to determine the amount and level of training required.

Any way The perceived performance problem of being able to determine the type and amount of training required (the person who fully understands his training needs) is rare.

Ways to gather information on institutional training needs:

Analysis of regulatory records: Staff statistics, Training reports, Individual performance reports, Workforce decisions. Etc.

Official and informal interviews with senior officials.

Direct notes.

General Climate Survey: Find out how employees feel and have attitudes about the work they do.

Brainstorming: According to the work performed by staff, Through appropriate questionnaires, Understand the views of staff in the organization on training needs.

Its importance:

The stage of identification is the starting point for any organized and planned training process and is the main tool of an appropriate training plan where it explains who will be trained and what kind of training they will need, Where appropriate for training, This leads to the effectiveness of the training process and the success of achieving its objectives. Identifying training needs is also important because it is an ongoing process that changes based on the attitudes and issues facing the organization and its staff.

Ways to select them:

Training requirements are often identified in two ways:

Initial identification of training needs:

In here The direct manager feels the need for training or the issue that needs research and analysis, However, he is unable to use the required methods and tools or within the time constraints available to him to determine this accurately. Training need, Individuals can take the initiative to turn into a direct supervisor with their training needs.

Detailed identification of training needs:

Here, the training scheme receives the training program from the agency or an external consultant – if the necessary expertise or means are not available within the agency – then examines the situation, collects and analyzes the necessary data and arrives in response to current training needs. This task is accomplished by applying training needs models designed by training experts in their fields of specialization and addressing aspects of the recommendations that the organization makes to the target group.

Training needs identification problems:

  • Do not identify training needs scientifically.
  • Lack of awareness of the importance of agency management in identifying training needs.
  • Speed up the implementation of training programs because there is no time to wait to identify actual needs.
  • Training programs focus on quantity rather than quality, I.e. the number of trainees going through training courses, instead of the types of skills or behaviors they acquire from those courses.
  • Set the training process for non-experts or people who are not interested.
  • Cost element.
  • Training is not seen as a collaborative activity, Which means that in order to succeed, Management, trainers and trainees responsible for planning and monitoring training activities must cooperate.

An important question arises as to why training has no results?

The answer is that the specific training needs have not been formulated in the form of specific training objectives, This is important because the training objectives are clearly defined, quantitatively, temporally and qualitatively to ensure that all efforts included in training and design are aimed at sexual programmes and topics. Trainers are selected, the program is implemented, funded and its results assessed in achieving this goal.

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