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The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives

Believing in the importance and effectiveness of training in all areas of e-training, And what e-training offers to trainees, trainers, and societies alike, The General Foundation for Technical and Vocational Training has established an e-training centre and training resources that, In turn, Provides insight into all training related to a comprehensive study of international standards afterwards, Create a comprehensive electronic training environment based on modern technology, including: Computer, Internet, training programs, forums and email. And much more.

The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives 1 The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives

Definition of electronic training:

Training and educational programs are provided through various electronic media, Including CDs and the Internet, simultaneously or asynchronously, Using the principles of self-training or training with the help of a trainer. Training is also defined as the training process for providing electronic or electronic packages using the Internet (local or global network). Interacting with trainees, Either simultaneously or asynchronously, With or without a coach, Or a combination of all these. E-training provides an educational environment without a supervisor. This means more participation, And more enthusiasm, and greater educational success, and finally, Solid foundation.

E-training is the process of creating an interactive, application-rich environment based on computer, web and multimedia technology, This enables trainees to interact with their sources in the shortest possible time, with minimal effort and with the highest quality. E-training is a training process aimed at providing training content through any modern computer and Internet communication to exceed the geographical distance between the trainee and the trainer, So what does he train in the restrictions? It’s possible.

E-training can achieve the following objectives:

The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives 2 The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives

Build your own knowledge.

  1. Training anytime, anywhere.
  2. Building learners’ self-confidence
  3. Help learners study and review courses and training centres using ICT and online education.
  4. Preparing trainees for life in a cultural age. Information.
  5. Overcoming the problems of traditional training methods
  6. Digital design of training programs, courses and decisions.
  7. Identify the foundations and standards that can be modified to develop training systems.

In order to shift from traditional to e-training, The following points should be taken into account:

The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives 3 The concept of electronic training and its 7 objectives

Planning for thep.M.:

Includes the planning process for the training system, which is primarily the responsibility of many beneficiaries and is led by training experts, Assessing the needs of e-training and setting its public and private objectives.

2. Implementation of training:

Refers to how the policies, strategies and procedures described in the planning phase are translated into training objectives. This requires equipping the training site in accordance with the following requirements, electronic training systems and media, including: The Internet, and multimedia, And smart classrooms, Appropriate electronic training programmes. In addition The leader of a qualified training team capable of managing such systems has been selected

3- E-training calendar:

The training evaluation process is based on a number of foundations, standards and indicators through which adjustments can be made to develop the training system and formulate its future strategy.

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