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One of the methods of the planning and organization process is to clarify the working environment, where everyone should know what to do, The tasks and responsibilities assigned to each person are right to be clear, The overall organizational division must be clear, The quality and limits of the authorities must be specific.

One of the advantages of the planning and organization process is also the coordination of the working environment, Chaos must be at its lowest level and obstacles must be removed, And the links between different work units must evolve, Guidance on interaction between staff should also be known.

2 planning and organization methods in training

Or not: Management and office planning methods for training:

Administrative and office planning of training refers to everything related to the training course and its organization, Except for the training itself, Which participants cannot see and cannot be included in the training content.

The importance of administrative and office planning methods for training:

Administrative and office planning is important for all participants in training as follows:

For the trainer:

For the trainee:

The organizer has training methods:

Training funding methods:

Identify administrative and office requirements for training:

Each stage has different administrative and office needs, so that the coordinator of the training program remembers all these needs and arranges their implementation, It is best to divide the training stages as follows:

Training needs during training:

Post-training training needs:

Secondly: Training management methods

The form in which training begins determines the pattern that training will follow. During the first training, People who don’t know each other formed initial impressions, Whether negative or positive, They are sensitive to topics such as location, trainer, training materials and the expected training process. Insufficient attention has been paid to this stage, and training can lead to increased tension, anxiety and misunderstanding, This may encourage early withdrawal from the cycle.

At the beginning of training:

Participants begin a training course with a number of questions, Some are practical requirements on how to organize and manage training (the duration of each session, Breaks, Timeline of activities, The nature of the hearing). Other considerations range from the coach, concern about not knowing others, Loneliness, Loss of self-confidence. And much more.

Practical and procedural problems can be dealt with directly, But knowing the reasons for students’ interest and dealing with them properly requires a lot of confidence and consultation from the coach. However, The beginning of training is more than just presenting the plan and starting.

Learn about the constraints of the training process

Useful tips:

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