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2 training needs recognition methods

Methods of identifying training needs:

There are several ways to gather information about training needs, Such as:

  • Live notes:

It’s one of the tools for collecting information, which can be defined as accurate monitoring of a particular phenomenon or behavior, The observations resulting from this observation were recorded. There are many types of observations, Among them:

Direct surveillance, Also known as public surveillance, It is a method of monitoring in which the observer himself communicates with the observation. The observation can be long-term, Or behavior is monitored for a long time, Or manual notes are recorded, Or as many operations as possible that are performed electronically. Methods are mainly used for rank work.

  • Counselling groups

They are a group of experts and consultants with previous experience in training and training needs, The foundation selects them to use their expertise to collect, analyze information, extract results from it, and ways of any other topic.

  • Questionnaires

It is a format consisting of a set of questions formulated with a specific vision and objectives to collect digital or descriptive information about a sample of individuals, They are selected according to the nature of the situation.

When you set up the form, He has to determine the amount and nature of the information he wants to get, Depending on the desired objectives and the nature of the assumptions that arise from them. The form is a way to gather information to identify needs.

  • Interviews

This is a serious conversation between two or more people to get certain facts and information, is performed by the training program planner, The person asked to answer the question is the person interviewed.

Interviews are one of the most important ways to get as much information as possible.

Analysis phase:

After gathering information, We move on to the next step, The analysis phase, It is one of the building blocks for building a solid foundation on which training needs are determined with the highest effectiveness and efficiency. The usefulness of the information analysis process is that it may depend on the available information that usually leaves it not fully utilized.

The most important activity in the analysis phase is the design of the training system, Especially when collecting requirements, Also ensure that any training methods or access to the information they prefer are taken into account.

The concept of identifying training needs determines whether there is a performance gap in the employee, organization or job.

We mean training needs: Job description + performance criteria minus the level at which an employee performs the job. Training needs identification models include the Performance Gap model and the Dugan Leroux model, Which is specifically expressed as follows:

2 training needs recognition methods 1 2 training needs recognition methods
  1. Collect information from organizations facing specific problems.
  2. Compare the actual performance of standard setting.
  3. Detect gaps or no gaps between performance and preview.
  4. Determine the level or size of the gap discovered.
  5. Determine the awareness of the individual concerned about his or her performance.
  6. Design a training program to address specific gaps.

Criteria for choosing a way to identify training needs:

With so many methods to identify needs, It can be difficult for training officials to determine which method or methods are best to use. The safest rule to choose a method for determining requirements is undoubtedly a set of selection criteria through which the relative importance of each method can be understood. Because the importance of certain criteria varies from organization to organization, Training officers must set standards for their organization. Here are a set of selection criteria you can count on, including:

  • Convenience: This means providing quantitative data on agency officials and justifying training costs, Applications that rely on self-assessments of training needs fail.
  • Efficiency: The possibility of using a method to measure efficiency during the organization’s working hours, which does not require more than two to four hours per employee.
  • Conceptual clarity: The procedures used in the design methodology can be easily understood by all employees and managers to achieve their true sense of participation.
  • Cost: The cost portion should not be viewed from a simplistic perspective, However, it must be examined in terms of the costs and benefits of using the method.
2 training needs recognition methods 2 2 training needs recognition methods

Produces the stage of analysis of the needs of the dri outIt has many types of training, including:

1. On-the-job training

It is training in the workplace at the same time. This type of training provides the organization with an external training budget, But this approach has the disadvantage of being that workers cannot keep up with the latest developments that may occur, A common method of this type of training is face-to-face training.

2. Off-duty training

is a kind of training done outside the workplace, He may be a specialist somewhere within the organization, This training is supervised by a specialized trainer. Training methods include lectures, distance learning, equipment simulation, role-playing, case studies, etc.

Training needs are supposed to be closely linked to the objectives and strategies of the training institution, So when a training institution develops a training program for its staff base to produce an effective training program, The organization should benefit directly. This requires the implementation of strategic planning and development process with a mission, objectives and structure of research and analysis of training needs

There are some comments that define training needs in the form of a matrix based on two main axes:

– Performance hub.

  • The focus of training possibilities and opportunities.

In many behavioral and administrative aspects, Training may be the best way to address it, These manifestations include:

Employee lack of clarity in seeing the objectives and policies of the training institution.

The current organizational structure is ineffective.

The complexity of day-to-day work procedures.

Lack of clarity on future promotions and opportunities for employees to apply.

Lack of clarity of powers and responsibilities.

From this perspective, there is a fruitful close cooperation between training needs and the organization’s vision and objectives when developing training programs for training institutions.

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