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21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course

Given the recent restaurant craze, The public mistakenly believes that restaurant management is a successful, low-voltage, easy-to-return project. Of course, It’s the wrong audience. Projects of this kind include high play rates that can lead to huge profits or heavy losses, Depending entirely on the strategy and the amount applied, the risks that restaurant owners intend to take to be safe.

Does that mean that the opening of a restaurant or café is very difficult? The answer is no, But it’s also not as easy as some people think, And since we’re here to help you, We will share with you the answer to the question that has always been your favorite question: How do you successfully run a restaurant career? !

  • How do you manage your restaurant?

The opening of a new restaurant has always been the dream of the capital’s pioneers, As we all know, The safest ideas to invest in are food, clothing, housing and transportation. fields and investments, But it’s as successful as ever, Only good parts come out of it. They don’t know the risks and losses that others take to succeed, So we’re here to help you, Not only to track the impact of success, But also to avoid their mistakes, By offering the most important tips on which successful restaurants participate as follows:

  • . Allocated
21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course 1 21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course

Specialization is always the first step to success, Don’t try to make your restaurant the most inclusive of all kinds of food, Be the best at serving certain types of food; But they often add a trait that goes beyond professionalism and randomness. Let’s focus on a certain type of kitchen from the beginning and appoint the best chefs, The more convenient the type of kitchen you want to serve to your restaurant’s diqueur, Further enhance your brand image and give you a sense of professionalism.

  • Your supplier type

Sellers are the cornerstone of the continuity and productivity of the project, They are responsible for providing all the materials and ingredients that the chef needs to serve a meal; Professional restaurants should therefore expand their resource base rather than rely on sources, with only one offer in its product if the restaurant faces a crisis and loses its ability to work. Instead, It has always relied on a backup plan to help it continue in times of crisis, And help the inventory flow, This helps to continue production.

Suppliers don’t just care about food suppliers, They are also interested in suppliers of the tools used, It is an integral part of the brand image and hospitality; the use of plastic or poor quality tools can affect the type of customers who come to you and how willing they are to enjoy your service. Believe it or not, Luxury pendants can make customers pay twice as much for a meal they may not pay in a poor quality restaurant.

  • Design list by cost of production and amount of profit

The menu is the most influential element of the customer’s experience; The meal will not be sold and its quality will not be affected.

The same applies to restaurant owners who write strange and incomprehensible names on their menus, But sometimes names are not related to the meal that is served, Some even use names that contain pornographic or inappropriate words to describe some meals just as another type of professional ad. All these methods lead to the failure of menu or menu tasks, which is primarily designed to inform customers of what the restaurant has to offer, In addition to clarity on the items included in each meal. for writing anonymous or inappropriate names, They are both ways of losing the client; The second word will keep the family away from you and what they provide from the huge section that you should specify, not exclude.

Price also plays an important role in designing the menu and making it more successful. For your restaurant to work, You must balance the right price that brings you profits in parallel with the quality of service, At the same time it does not interfere with the purchasing power of your customers, so when designing your list, You must take a step back and study the market and its content provided by competitive prices, While comparing those prices with the service they provide and the purchasing power of their customers, Then come up with a healthy equation that makes customers happy on the one hand and a high-quality product on the other, With managing expectations for yourself in profit at the same time without any obstacles.

  • Role-sharing

To answer a question about how to manage a restaurant successfully, You should be aware that the restaurant is not just about meals and how to serve them, But also the time it takes for the team and each individual to perform their tasks effectively; In the hope of impressing customers, The experience will not satisfy either side and once the chef gets tired it will affect it, The quality of the food provided, Customers will not be satisfied with this type of service.

to achieve a successful balance between delivering high efficiency and as fast as possible, You should share roles with your team from time to time so you can see how long it takes to prepare a meal, Then discuss what means to help them. Need to speed up time, Or do they need more work, Or they do have effective tips to speed up the catering process.

The same applies to food providers and their experiences with customers. to be able to understand the pressures they are under and the difficulties they are going through, You have to share roles with them from time to time, And things are not limited to discussing problems with them and following up their complaints, But also get to get out of them directly. Through the sometimes customer service experience, But if you’re famous in the professional world, You can look at things closely and evaluate the situation to find the best solution that satisfies all parties, On the one hand, the waiter feels that he is appreciated by the staff and is really interested in the treatment of harassment, On the other hand It offers the customer a unique service that meets his wishes.

  • Always step ahead.
21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course 2 21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course

Lasting change is the hallmark of the times, Any attempt to resist or prevent such a change is undoubtedly a failed attempt. For example If we say you’re starting your project with a very competitive advantage, You serve a very tempting price meal and everyone demands it, At first this show will be successful for you, But you’ll soon find that competitors imitate them or even develop them, So when you take a step, You’ll definitely make a mistake as a party. The next simultaneous step, The market — especially the food market — is ruthless to anyone, Especially those standing cannot keep up with the pace of development and trust that change will not affect their industry.

The changes involved here should not only include offers and marketing methods, It also includes technical tools used in decoration and use, Any way to prepare and serve food. The growth of restaurant management must include all factors of production, such as staff skills, as a restaurant or café manager, It’s best to save from time to time, and training workshops help increase employee efficiency and facilitate a smooth and easy exchange of expertise and skills.

  • Keep it flexible.

When work begins to succeed and customers start taking care of your restaurant, It doesn’t take long to find that the kitchen is like a wrestling ring, which accelerates the delivery of orders, And another prepares, A third of them are seen, who deals with dishes and washes them, which assesses the quality of his requests, One receives the request and the other returns with modifications. And all the other common scenes in the kitchen, which is getting sharper, When the customer requests the preparation of his own meal, Looking closely at these scenes, Do you think he’ll want to get to know all these scenes? !

Of course not So you have to design a flexible and serial system that allows everyone to do their job quickly without compromising the quality of service or the level at which you should appear, In this way, this system helps reduce the required time and stages of work experience until successfully completed.

  • Don’t let there be an dissatisfied client.

Your customers are your real capital, You should take any comments, complaints or even development suggestions they make to you seriously. Allowing dissatisfied customers or bad experiences is totally unacceptable and must be addressed immediately; The self-assessment, Especially with regard to nominations from customers to others, Significantly increases the number of visitors to the restaurant and the type of relationships that are developed. Your restaurant and these customers, Your choice is always to earn loyal customers or win discount share their bad experience with other potential customers.

21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course 3 21st Century Restaurant Management Training Course
  • Don’t grow up in science.

Experience is something gained, to gain enough experience tomanage your restaurant professionally, You can’t be satisfied with the self-experience you gain from work, But you should share experience with other businessmen and collaborate to avoid repeating past mistakes so don’t be arrogant to ask for help or advice from others, especially if you’re going to risk or break into areas where you don’t have enough experience.

In addition to seeking advice from older or longest-term experience in this field, You must arm yourself by looking for everything new in the market so you can combine the administrative and professional expertise needed to keep your restaurant safe.

  • Give the restaurant its right to market

Good marketing, Especially e-mail, is the biggest key to reaching the target segment, So don’t repeat the mistakes of other restaurants, or think of e-marketing as an ad assistant, Or don’t pay enough attention, But sometimes marketing gives you an advantage that other ways don’t give you, So don’t skimp on your budget, specializing in e-marketing, It offers a team of experts who can film your business the way customers look at their favorite restaurants.

Make sure that e-marketing is suitable for the services you provide locally. Sometimes, Overmarketing can lead to a frustrating experience, Customers expect a certain quality and service, And then when they test it, They are surprised that there is no relationship between the material and reality at all, which makes them go through an irreversible experience with you, And the experience of mistrust is easy.

How to run your restaurant successfully and professionally? You don’t just have to follow these nine strategies mentioned above, You also have to give the market insight and insight so you can deduce what he likes, And what he might like, And who would threaten your existence, And you have to get over it, You are at the forefront of competition and at the forefront of customer choice.

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