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Activities outside the training hall are the most common models in the training process (assignments, Projects Tours and field visits) are used to enrich and extend learning outside the training hall.

Training is a modern and effective way to improve and develop any different life area, Whether it’s in the personal, academic, financial, practical, family field, health or any other area. Training today occupies a central position in the world as an important and effective means of achieving goals by dividing them into small tasks. The training industry has become a heavy industry that needs specific inputs, These inputs must also have specific quality standards so that we can achieve the right concept of training, And modify the old concepts, Training is not just an allowance but a high-value investment.

The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skill, Competencies are the result of vocational teaching or practical skills and knowledge related to specific useful competencies. It forms the essence of apprenticeships, It provides the backbone of content in technology institutes (also known as technical colleges or technical institutes). In addition to the basic training required to do business, and job or profession, Labour market observers recognize the need to continue training outside primary qualifications: To maintain, develop and update work skills throughout life. People in many professions and trades may refer to this type of training as professional development. Some commentators use a similar term in the workplace: learning to improve performance: Any training and development. One can generally classify such training on or off the job.

Training methods are divided into three types:

Or not: Assignments activities outside the training hall:

These are the most common forms of activity outside the training room, Tasks are used for:

Promoting individual learning.

Enrich and expand learning outside the training hall.

Duties can take any of the following forms: (Reading – Writing – Practice).

Assignment features:

Improve the skill performance of the trainee.

Promoting individual learning.

Allows extra time for training.

It doesn’t require much preparation from the coach.

It can act as a moral enhancement.

Second: The project activities outside the training hall:

This project includes all the small benefits gained by allowing trainees to spend anonymously on the training programme throughout the training program.

There are four main project groups:

Project features:

Focus on the trainee’s career performance.

Develop the trainee’s sense of responsibility, planning and initiative.

Best in containing the self-learning process.

Expand training to include the areas of interest and expertise of trainees.

Allows detailed research on topics and issues.

It can lead to successful case studies.

Thirdly: Excursions/field visits activities outside the training hall:

In many cases, The visit becomes a social event and does not provide the intended benefits as a training event. Field visits take two forms:

1. Visits activities outside the training hall:

Its main purpose is to give students the opportunity to see, And despite being negative, However, they help to see activity in nature and in real environments. Visits take the following forms:

2- Study tours activities outside the training hall:

Field trips can be transformed into an active learning experience by including some tasks, And not just notes. The practical application of scanning methods can be useful when conducting training courses on search methods. On both types of field trips, Trainers need to be prepared in the following areas:

Traffic features:

It’s more convincing to practice watching, The recovery rate is high.

More confidence in linking theory to the application.

Extend the learning process outside the training room.

Visit selectors:

Recreational principles may dominate the trainee and lose the training value of the visit.

Time can be an obstacle, Especially in short courses.

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