Personal patterns define personality patterns as a set of individual characteristics and differences studied by psychologists, They then divided the human personality into several main groups. People Their behavior is determined by them.
Personality styles:
In psychology, Personality types are divided into three main categories, As follows:
Type A:
The first type of personality pattern is called the behavioural pattern of the Coronavirus, under which it is classified as a group of highly competitive individuals, And it’s hard for them to drive, And they need to do more, Executives are examples of this type of person and mention the most likely. For the treatment of heart attacks and coronary artery disease.
Type B:
The second type of personal styles: People who belong to this character tend to live the moment and achieve achievements within reasonable limits without exaggeration.
Type D:
People in this category are believed to be most likely to develop stress-related diseases because they have more sophisticated negative feelings such as anxiety, stress and irritability, They are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
Personality pattern determinants:
Personal patterns are determined primarily based on the individual’s behavior and the set of thoughts and emotions they display, which provides an opportunity to understand their behavior and the ability to predict their future behavior, On the other hand Personal patterns may be a combination of factors influencing outcomes including individual gene factors, or somewhat influenced by the way parents are raised and their children educated, Without ignoring the impact of the environment surrounding the individual or the culture in which he grew up.
Personality patterns and ways to deal with them:
Simple and friendly person:
A quiet and cheerful man who controls his nerves, Kind-hearted, Greets visitors gently, Others accept it. He has great confidence in himself and people trust him. He has a sense of security and thinks he is fine with others and in good condition. Likes to hear positive comments from others, But he avoids talking about work-related issues. They are treated well, enjoy a good relationship with this person, and respect him, And listen carefully to what he’s going to say, He continued to discuss the topics he raised, And avoid talking about work, Take it seriously if necessary.
Reluctant person:
lacks self-confidence, And shows signs of shyness and anxiety, He is often hesitant in many situations, He has difficulty making decisions, Depends on regulations and laws, And he always asks for information and reassurance, And he’s someone who promises a lot, but doesn’t care about time. The most appropriate way to deal with it is to increase one’s self-confidence and reduce his or her anxiety and can help him make decisions and provide him with a good system of information and reassurance, to reduce anxiety tell him that the person wins through his determination and ability to make decisions in a timely manner respect from others.
Stubborn person:
He ignores the opinions of others and does not like to listen to the opinions of others. He was a strong and cruel man. His rejection of the hard facts shows how he is being so resistant. He doesn’t respect people and tries to destroy them. Although it is difficult to deal with someone with this personality, However, there are solutions when dealing with it. Try to get others to challenge public opinion and ask them to take other people’s opinions for a short period of time so you can reach an agreement and you can tell him that you will be happy to study his opinions later and use the method (yes, Still) to be. with him to avoid the heated controversy.
Talkative person:
He talks a lot, And he says everything, He does not say things he knows or is not familiar with. This person thinks it is very important and shows a desire to go further. As a matter of fact He’s too weak. A lot of mistakes because he forgot a lot of what he said and he is creative to prove his point of view and in your trade he interrupts in the middle of the conversation, And tell him that you are away from it and that you also have to show that your time is important and that you are keen to make the most of it, Which you can do by looking at your watch, puffing, moving, Open your eyes to express your discomfort and reluctance to talk to him.
Personality is one of the most important elements of success in achieving the rate of development and stability
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