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4 food safety training courses

Due to the diversity of sources of food pollution and their negative effects on human health, The concept of food safety has been proposed, which includes studying healthy lifestyles and food conservation, Starting from the growth stage, And how to transport and save food properly. Distribute them and how to cook them and save them. Someone of an important position.

In this article we will discuss training courses on food safety.

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What is food safety:

a whole range of ways and means to achieve food health, Since there are many foods that cause the disease for adults and children, Because of food contamination or improper preparation, Etc.

face multiple threats from viruses, microorganisms, climate or environmental changes, In addition to unknown changes, Changes in the way food is manufactured or distributed.


The State has a responsibility to protect and care for agricultural land, crops and all products.

2. Constantly try to find low-risk pesticides to get rid of dangerous pesticides.

3. Seek assistance from experts and herbalists when installing pesticides to protect plants and land as much as possible.

4- Ensuring that agricultural land is irrigated with uncontaminated water, Uncle’s water can do great damage to crops.

Spreading a culture of food safety among all people through farmers’ workshops and agricultural guidance workshops to ensure the purchase of healthy food.

6- Apply all measures in the field of maintaining food safety during manufacturing, shipping and distribution processes.

The importance of training courses in the field:

The importance of these courses is reflected in a number of ways, including:

1- Use the best ways to achieve food health.

2- Learn about the nutritional content of each food and how you can benefit from it.

3- Identifying the food that the human body basically needs.

Problems and damage caused by unhealthy and contaminated foods.

5- Know the calories per food.

6- A state of balance between human desires and the body’s basic needs.

All challenges to accessing food health.

Challenges to the spread of a culture of food safety.

The most important training courses on food safety:

1- Food Safety Management Course:

This session has several objectives:

▪ Through this course, Participants learn about safety principles.

▪ Through this course, Participants learn about health risks and all associated technologies.

▪ Train the trainee to understand all relevant regulations and train him on how to apply them.

▪ Train participants on how to use tools and methods to deal with risks.

▪ This course is designed to learn how to please consumers.

2- Food inspection course:

– This course is designed to train participants in testing healthy foods, And the importance of its availability before consumption, and the factors that affect its availability, And how to determine its availability.

This session deals with several points, including:

▪ What healthy foods meet international health standards?

The trainee’s ability to identify unhealthy foods.

Make participants aware of what we call unhealthy food situations

▪ Understand the reasons and factors that require us to say that this food is unhealthy.

▪ Identify and understand all cases and causes of food poisoning.

▪ The importance of healthy nutrition and its impact on the human body.

3- The basics of food health control:

– The main themes of this session:

▪ General health rules.

▪ Food safety culture.

▪ Why food inspections are required in stores, restaurants and facilities, What sanitation procedures are associated with them?

Find out all the methods of counterfeiting and deception in food, how to decipher it and what procedures are necessary in this regard.

▪ The right ways to store it.

▪ Achieving its safety, taking regular samples and conducting inspections to ensure food safety.

▪ What diseases can food poisoning cause?

▪ Following modern methods of health control.

– We mention some of the objectives of this course:

Designed to train students to follow developments in health control and follow the latest methods.

▪ Introduce participants to all factors and causes of food contamination, whether environmental, chemical or other sources of pollution.

▪ Training trainees to achieve a higher level of food safety.

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4- Environmental and food health cycle:

This course aims to achieve several objectives, including:

▪ Introducing the environment and its components and how to protect them.

▪ How and why pollution has an impact on the environment and food safety.

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