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4 most important responsibilities of a coach

4 most important responsibilities of a coach

The lecturers or coaches are responsible for speaking openly about the topics they consider important, and choosing subjects that promote positive moral values, work for the public, and use the right auxiliary materials and the right reasons, Referring to the real motives of their words and thinking about the results of their words. and his behavior, He was working to improve his performance.
    4 most important responsibilities of a coach

4 most important responsibilities of a coach

If you find it a little confusing, Please remember that these responsibilities are not solely the responsibility of a person (you),
Rather, members of the public also have four ethical responsibilities:
(1) Searching for knowledgeable speakers,
(2) listening while there is no need to judge the speakers or their ideas,
(iii) Evaluate the logic and credibility of the speakers,
(4) Beware of the consequences of unclear hearing.

4 most important responsibilities of a coach

Firstly ,
Ethical listeners will look for speakers who can expand their knowledge and understanding and introduce them to new ideas. When you come across a controversial speaker, Regardless of whether you agree with his point, It will expand your knowledge and enhance your feelings about a topic, Even when the trainee appreciates the lectures of other trainees. , Ethical listening must become the norm.
Secondly ,
The ethical audience should listen to the speaker before making judgments about the speaker or his ideas, And if you do not oppose the speaker, It may be difficult to hear it clearly, Because it requires you to be late for the speaker’s behavior, make an impression, But the reward for that will be huge. When attending any lecture, You should assume that you will learn important things from the lecturer, So you must listen and focus, Because in this atmosphere of mutual respect, It is better to share information and ideas.
As for the third criterion,
It is that the ethical listener must evaluate the information conveyed to them. The listener who accepts the idea and does not evaluate its basis is like someone who buys a used car without examining it. The caveat here is that buyers need to be aware. It’s good advice for news consumers. as a listener, You should critically evaluate the speaker’s ideas. Is every idea logically constructed? Does each idea have sufficient, reliable, and appropriate evidence to support it? So , Every speaker and every audience should read and listen carefully, So when the ethical audience receives ideas for action or suggested plans, They should evaluate it carefully.
You should be wary of the consequences of not listening carefully: Ethical listeners usually pay attention to the results of their hearing. Because the information distorted by the listener due to lack of good listening is the reason for the distortion of the listener, The listener can only understand the speaker part of the information, This is a lot of things in our Arab world.
Many of us have learned moral principles since we were young: “It is wrong to lie and it is wrong to deceive others.” “It is wrong to blame our words or actions on others.” The lack of ethical principles between the speaker and the audience will reduce the value of communication. You must know that to be a lecturer, You must have an ethical listener. first of all, He should be an ethical listener…. The speaker also has a responsibility to take two unethical sides: Legal use of law and principles to avoid plagiarism, These topics deserve special attention.
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4 most important responsibilities of a coach

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4 most important responsibilities of a coach

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