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Training courses are now one way to help advance and develop many disciplines in addition to education because the profession is a growing field, whether in educational methods or in interaction with some high school students and teachers, Teachers therefore need to develop some competencies and skills training courses used when doing so.

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The benefit of having training courses for teachers:

There are many reasons why teachers should take courses, including:

1. By attending training courses, Teachers can improve their teaching skills as there are many exciting and intensive training courses in this field.

2. Teachers can also access training courses to delve deeper into their subjects and keep up with all developments in those topics, Especially if these teachers are a little older.

3. On the social side, Teachers are collectively subjected to training courses that promote teamwork, and break the arrogance of reaching the highest scientific level, And establish in their minds the continuity of the educational process, Because man still needs to learn as long as he is. He. . He’s still alive.

4. Teachers can learn about new things in different fields by participating in different training courses, Which is reflected in the educational process in the classroom, which makes them aware of the changing and evolving needs of students, It is important to build a strong teacher. Relationship is a relationship.

Benefits of attending teacher training courses:

The benefits of these courses may be one of the reasons for enrolling them, including:

  1. Improving skills in general leading to the excellence of the teacher in his profession.
  2. Helps keep up with all career-related developments.
  3. These courses promote a spirit of cooperation between students and teachers, Thus creating a unique relationship between them extends beyond the learning process to many other aspects.
  4. School is the second home where the child has lived for a long time, It has a good effect on the composition of the child’s personality. This goal has been successfully achieved.
  5. Learn the right study strategies and how to apply them.
  6. Improving the quality of the educational process affects many aspects both in the lives of students and in society as a whole.
  7. Raising the level of the teacher, which helps him to be creative and distinguished in his profession.
  8. It is not only necessary to create an environment for interaction between teacher and student, But also to create an environment for interaction between teacher and student.

Some titles of training courses are useful for teachers:

For excellent teacher training programs, There are a number of proposed appointments that provide the greatest benefit to teachers in their academic, professional and social lives, As well as helping to improve their social standing.

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1. Learning difficulty teacher training courses:

One of the most famous names for teacher training programmes is learning difficulties, Especially in early childhood classrooms such as kindergartens and primary school students.

We found that many children in these classrooms have learning and understanding difficulties and may lack intelligence and concentration, Teachers may face difficulties with both ordinary children and children with special needs.

Dealing with learning difficulties, Especially in recent years, very common in both private and public schools, Many teachers have therefore undergone training courses on learning difficulties to gain the ability to deal with these groups of students with challenging academic problems. Student to teacher, For example I have to meet the challenges better.

Specialized learning disabilities include children with special needs, As well as children with mental disabilities, and children who have difficulty learning in different subjects such as language, mathematics or science, In advanced materials, Learning difficulties include children with visual disabilities. Teachers can develop their skills in this field by taking lessons targeting learning difficulties.

Inverted learning training courses:

The teaching profession depends mainly on the relationship between the student and the teacher, Where students receive information from the teacher they have to learn, While reverse learning depends on the student’s learning in another way, He presented academic content and discussed with the teacher before explaining it to colleagues. This approach helps motivate students to learn the course consisting of five lectures covering topics such as the greatest benefits of inverse learning and the roles of teachers, students and parents.

Active learning training courses:

Active learning is one of the things Japan has done in its education system, The curriculum is based on creating an interaction between the teacher and the student, Since most curricula focus solely on teachers, This can lead to a gap between teachers and students, But the approach effectively fills the gap and contributes to success by learning the process in the best possible way.

Active learning can help students become self-reliant and gain a sense of independence while also increasing interest in personal relationships, This course is therefore one that teachers highly recommend to achieve their goals. Professionalism is to spread awareness and science in the right way for the benefit of future generations. Real Life Science Parenthood 2

4- Training courses in the active learning of the teacher:

Active learning is a modern form of education, It has spread as a new term in early childhood education around the world, Its impressive results have spread throughout the countries in which it is applied, Like applied schools in China and Japan for teenagers models are beginning to shift to some other countries, Including Arab countries, They are necessary for many teachers and require an urgent need for active educational training programmes to keep pace with this modern education, Especially in modern schools.

The concept of active education is generalized around participatory education, That is, the educational process does not depend solely on teachers, Students are no longer passive recipients of all information in class, But students and teachers share tasks at school, i.e., Education is very important – a big part. With students in the center, Teachers prepare these and students learn in an indirect new way.

The advantage of active learning is that it is a permanent way of learning that is not limited to the student’s mind, It also includes the student’s personality. That’s why this type of education has become so common lately. The latter, With the consequent increased demand for teachers who can teach it, Thus enrolling teachers in active learning courses has additional features. Ideal for their educational functions.

5- Training courses for teachers to learn publicity and the art of presentation:

Here we are talking not only about the art of ordinary recitation or traditional lectures, It is about dealing with recitation in an orderly technical manner that ultimately achieves the desired impact of completing the educational process and achieving educational objectives miraculously and fully.

During the course, Teachers learn how to use body language in lectures and how to use body language to influence those around them in a way that attracts the attention of all students.

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