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5 The most important professional goals for training

5 The most important professional goals for training

He means planning to train human resources in institutions in general, These are administrative and organizational efforts that are intended to revise the human ability to perform a specific work or play a certain role in the company in which he works, These are the organized experiences that are used to transfer, develop or refine all or a limited number of data or skill experiences , knowledge and trends for individuals in the organization , no matter how different the category and activity of this business .
    5 The most important professional goals for training

5 The most important professional goals for training

There is a dynamic link between exercise and development of human resources, Training and development means: “The systematic work and the plan for it to provide the human forces in the administrative system with specific knowledge, and to upgrade and update her skills and abilities And to transform its behavior and directions in a non-negative way construction. moan Exercise and development are an important tool for one. aspires to give The full possibility of individuals to perform the required effort , including them properly, is high, And so it’s Development tool The person’s potential to benefit him in Acquisition of Akbar benefit for his person and his organization and for the community around him

The importance of training:

In order for the Commission to achieve its objectives , it relies on two main sources:
A. Material resources.
In. Human resources and the Authority always trains and develops its members to be provided with information, skill experiences and basic trends that make them able to perform their current and future functions with merit and effectiveness.

The importance oftraining and development is the benefits it brings to:

  • Individuals: Training and development are revising their potential to solve heterogeneous problems.
  • Small groups: Exercise and development strengthen the links between small groups and open channels of communication between them.
  • Administrative regulations: Training and development enhance the merits and effectiveness of the organization.
  • Society: Work to promote productivity among society as well as increased national profit .

As for the objectives of estimating training, the assessment process is aimed at investigating the following objectives:

1- Identify the extent of the training plan and its objectives achieved
2- The possibility of praising the results of the education of trainees and the skill experiences and trends they have gained
3- Measuring the merits and suitability of trainers to get used to the performance of the training effort .
4- Learn about the elements of the programs and how the components of conciliation and effectiveness increase
5- Comparing the benefits of exercise and development with the rate of material investments made in its way.

Challenges facing training courses:

There are two types of training courses that are being held: Training and technical institutes. Institutions and companies.

Forms of needs:

• Needs for upgrading, modifying or transferring data that at a limited number of or all individuals on certain areas of effort, objectives, business policies or surrounding conditions
• Needs related to increasing, developing or developing skills and capabilities at a limited number of or all individuals in relation to performance methods and methods
Needs to change or update the behaviour of certain individuals or groups

The needs to be identified are:

Check the organization:

1. Identifying regulatory positions where training is needed
2. Ensure that human resources can apply existing performance
3. Ascertaining the effectiveness of the use of human and financial resources
4. Ensure that the current organization helps individuals perform with a high degree of merit

Job analysis

Refers to the identification and examination of the business and functions to which the exercise is related or some aspects, the intention: to acquire data in a systematic and rank-and-order way for current and future jobs in order to determine the type of training of the person.
Individual analysis:
identifying individuals who show the need to train them,
End : Select How a person performs components work and then knowledge and Required skill experiences To improve his performance, examining the individual is one of the most difficult analyses because he He eats element skills . Human and determined Class of conduct required to enhance the performance of the individual
And finally Valuation programs Training and interns are inseparable from Rest of the activities training , And the estimate is a measurement process. Continuous efficiency Training framework and measurement Achieving planned goals To improve performance At the corporate level as a whole by reverse food reviewed to evaluate Measures and programmes Public and private training for type and activity This company .
    5 professional places for vocational training
5 The most important professional goals for training

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5 The most important professional goals for training

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