5th place to design e-training magazine
5th place to design e-training magazine
The design stages of e-training are:
Phase 1: E-training planning
It’s aimed at The way you Ends the translation of policies and strategies and the measures that have been put in Preparation period to meet and achieve training objectives in addition to planning training course activities, Just like you focus. That’s how long it’s been on a job. Training curriculum strategy Desired to be offered on the internet.
Little (Porter, K.&Rossman, F., 2003, 103) When designing an electronic exercise, the Update Club relies on one of the following two entries:
1- Systems Portal : Focuses on the bonds between trainees and trainers and training content , as each of these vehicles depends on the rest of the vehicles and is affected by them and affects them and any development or transformation in one of them affects the entire format and the results and outputs of the training.
B- Choosing the most appropriate methods and methods for e-training, which is determined by (Abdul Rahman Taghr, 2001, 73.75) In the following lines:
Electronic performance support systems (W/EPSS), a method that gives training when needed through problem solving, scientific and experimental methods and doing business.
– Training is not Time Asynchronous Training :Depends on group training on the network in non The real age. By experimental missions , discussions and projects The club, and it gathers. Training is not Time-trained and trained All for training on Skilled experiences and knowledge modern and they access the site on the internet at times Different to accomplishing the tasks they are assigned to work in projects which supports Trading experiences among trainees.
D- Report the content structure and prepare a detailed guide to training applications and projects.
E- Assessing the content of the training to determine the accuracy, effectiveness and clarity of the training.
Preparing electronic training content
– Preparing the content of training courses: taking into account the examination of the real training needs of trainees using methodological methods and systems analysis, as required to pay attention to the link of content to the educational objectives desired to be achieved and to be scientifically correct and met the application and sufficient to give an intuitive opinion on the article
– Determining the content of the training in its final form: by dividing the content into a series of lessons based on the logical sequence of the application of tasks, each training lesson must contain the following compounds: the number of the lesson, its address, the general purpose of the lesson, its educational objectives, the content and activities of the lesson and its summary.
In light of what has been done earlier, the duration of the training site strategy exceeds the following steps:
– Identifying languages and site setup programs: Html was used to design the site through the use of Dream Weaver, as well as Java Script on the home page, consumer name and password entry page, self-change page and direct dialogue page.
Phase 3: Organizing training
A- Determining the duration of training so that it includes weekly its training materials and activities (training content – chatting topics – archaeological sources – training tests )
B- The course consists of: Training content (100% unconstrained training, enriching builders (websites and links), examinations (interim-final ).
C- The final exam of the training course is held and the exam score of 100 is distributed as follows: ( 50 degrees for training content – 35 degrees for enriching sources – 15 degrees for electronic conversations with the trainer )
D- Training supervision: The site includes an effective training supervision system that allows the trainer to complete the training effort, obtain feedback, prepare data and write reports.
– H. Support and support : Maintains the site Help and donation service function to ensure continuity of work Frame without any problems as it complements the benefit of Returned food To improve educational content from a scientific and training point of view In addition, modifying the objectives and activities And the roads are represented. On-site help methods at: Phone support – E-mail support –Chating .
Phase 4: Interactive E-Training Application
Run Internet Explorer and write the location address, then the subsequent pages appear:
– Login page: The trainee enters the user name and pass word granted to him by the trainer and then presses the entry button, just as the top of the registration screen page remains links (basic page – contact us).
– Training content page: The content schedule shows the trainee how to browse content and navigate through its pages as well as a list of training content.
Just as the training period lacks load training content on Learning Interest System And train trainers and trainees on Using that frame , Just like you need this time to choose a president. The training club has the ability and competence to manage such a system and the ability to Processing public vision for training taking into account telegram and training purposes and benefiting from Attempts by others in electronic training, And the habit of performing all the training efforts , including Presence of interested seminars With electronic exercise .
The application of electronic training occurs in a virtual environment which allows a kind of obedientness and freedom to choose the training headquarters and time,
Phase 5: E-Training Calendar
5th place to design e-training magazine
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