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7 tips for assessing the content of the training bag

7 tips for assessing the content of the training bag

Protecting the content of the training bag from unauthorized use is difficult and time-consuming, many trainers may collaborate in the preparation of a single training bag, and then the content is exploited by publishing copies of the training bag through content management systems including SharePoint, DropBoxo Google Drive and also through network drives and email.

Worse still, the development of a strategy to manage the content of a weak training bag puts valuable intellectual property at risk. Some trainers therefore find that the best way to address this risk is to keep the content of the training bag in hard copies or send it in PDF files directly to the trainees.

However, this method does not help significantly to prevent unauthorized sharing of training bags.

    7 tips for assessing the content of the training bag

7 tips for assessing the content of the training bag

Now, how do you organize the chaos that permeates content management systems while providing a useful experience for trainees? Traditional Gala solutions do not suit professional trainers, for them some important factors should be available here are 7 tips for evaluating the content of the training bag:

  • Ensuring total security and intellectual property protection
  • Easy to send on digital and mobile devices
  • The ability to update the content of the training bag to ensure its accuracy
  • E-commerce efficiency
  • Use tracking systems and analysis of trainees’ opinions
  • Capacity assessment
  • Trade name
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The following is an explanation of how these needs are a map of traditional solutions:

Training management systems: Between unnecessary features and high costs

Some trainers may use their training bag training management system, where the core value of the training management system is to track the training experiences of trainees over time and integrate the information they reach with other organization systems such as human resources management software.

While other possibilities and features such as gaming education are unnecessary for many coaches and are a high cost to no avail.

In addition, although it may seem strange nowadays with this technological advance, many training management systems do not have applications and rely on internet use, which causes difficulties when using a tablet or phone.

This combination of high cost and traditional use of the Internet makes many training management systems unsuitable for the needs of trainers to prepare a training bag.

Content management systems: Not designed to share content with trainees

There are many content management systems such as SharePoint, GoogleDrive and DropBox, and the primary goal of these systems is to help trainers prepare, manage, organize, and collaborate with each other to prepare the content of the training bag.

In many cases, these tools are very useful in internal cooperation for content preparation, but they are not good enough to be shared with trainees, as trainers should be able to easily share the content of the training bag with trainees while at the same time being able to protect their intellectual property rights.

The ability to track who accesses the content of the training bag and how it uses the content is therefore critical to ensuring that content is not shared without a permit. In many cases, THE CONTENT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS DEGREE OF PROTECTION.

Finally, many trainers want to sell the content of their training bags online, and selling training bags online can be an additional source of income as well as a way to attract the attention of new trainees in the future.

Since most content management systems are designed to be internal collaboration tools in the preparation of the content of the training bag, the possibility of e-commerce is not part of its advantages.

Training bag preparation guide
Your bag foundation has provided a special guide for the preparation of training bags, It explains how to prepare training bags

Download the evidence now.

7 tips for assessing the content of the training bag

Integrated training bag

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