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8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

All courses, books and user guides meet entertainment properties, The more services you provide to customers of these rich materials, Your credibility and confidence are increasing online. So , Courses are one of the most profitable businesses, and impress your followers and spoil them by offering rich educational courses worth promoting Let the flag be available to others by following the steps below.
    8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

Steps to prepare a training course

1- The  idea comes first

The hardest step in preparing a training course may be to identify a new idea, The most successful idea is to provide practical solutions to the problems faced by a specific target audience. The hardest thing you’ll see these days is the so-called semi-learner. They are people who think they have become experts by reading some books. Maybe they succeeded in selling their services at first, But in the end it was revealed. Visitors will know that they have not been marked correctly and not systematically formulated. So , I suggest you choose an idea that can be discussed and formulated correctly, Or at least do an intensive search about the idea you want to talk about; see if you can talk about the idea. The important thing here is to have an idea that makes you think that you can really take the course in a good way.

2.  Identify the target audience

Select the customers who will buy your services; knowing your target audience will guide you create courses in the best way. for example , If it’s an introduction for beginners, It will be performed differently from the method provided to medium or advanced levels. Likewise, Its economic level is the same, And the price of the service will be suitable for the target group, Some development is still needed. So , The target audience must be carefully identified by knowing their age, country, language, interests, direction and problems.

3-  Study the target audience as a different start

After identifying the target audience, Conduct a search for the public in order to identify their problems and provide them with solutions, Maybe you know that the best courses are the most useful, This step may be the beginning of finding ideas for your upcoming courses because they say “need or innovation”, The way is to study the target audience and identify their problems, Solutions to these problems are then provided in the form of courses. So , In the previous three steps, You have one of two things:
  • Select an idea that you can suggest, The target audience then identified that idea.
  • Identify the target audience and study their problems to come up with ideas to solve one of these problems.

 4-  Gather more information about the course material

Now you have a good idea and understanding of the target audience, Our current trend will be to master the course materials by collecting more information about the course, with the aim of identifying the main line. for example , If your idea is to offer video training courses to provide seo setup for novice website owners in the Arab world. So , The next step will be to gather more information about the so-called SEO and arrange materials on key points, or divide the cycle into multiple parts, Each will discuss one point.

5-  Time plan for the completion of the course

Now that I know what you’re going to say, You must set a specific timetable for completing course materials; If you complete the video shoot of the course within 30 days from now, Training materials will be available after 30 days and are no longer available. You can allocate time to the goal, for example , The idea will be explained in 10 points (i.e. 10 videos), This means that you complete a video every 3 days. You can modify your schedule to suit you and your marketing plan, It is important that educational materials be available at the end of the schedule.

6- Fix the  flaws and add aesthetic touches

If your material is a book, Please correct grammatical and spelling errors and modify the book format, if your material is a video, Please watch, edit and reduce the video. The important thing is that you are now determining the final shape of the course; After completing all the steps, Save the course in its final form in preparation for publication in five copies with one or more service images.

7-  Prepare the article 

propaganda video

The task of the article or promotional video is to explain to the customer that the course provides a solution to his problem and explains to him why and why he paid to buy this particular course. If you are not skilled in this job, You can do it yourself or you can buy the Five Children’s Service. The reason is that visitors will not watch the course before watching this promotional video, Only the viewer can decide to buy.

8 –  Select whether it’s one service or more

Now that everything is ready, I still need to know how to sell this course in five ways, Whether it’s one service or more of a service, or one service with development services or several separate services, This step will determine the profitability of the courses. right Now , The steps of preparing training courses are very clear. As long as you have a chance, You don’t need marketing and reference. When problems are found, The solution is an educational course.

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8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course 1 8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

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8 basic rules for preparing a rich training course

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