8 professional steps to become a successful coach
Go to training place early to make sure The center of the place and the work Auxiliary methods and computer organization and to be quiet At the beginning of the exercise, make sure you get some Rest in the day He’s out for training. In a position and time Training and the culture of the dressers, decent clothes it differs according to the situation it might be like work in Internship status and may be clothes Semi-formal and may be clothes Very formal.
8 professional steps to become a successful coach
1. Start of the course:
1- Start training by welcoming trainees and by introducing yourself, Then ask them to introduce themselves to their experiences and positions.
2- Look at the trainees constantly , dividing your gaze among all the trainees and be confused, not frowning.
3- Try to break down the barriers between you and the trainers and each other and it may be enough to introduce themselves and introduce yourself and you may resort to some group exercises at the beginning and therefore depend on the time of training and the extent of its officiality and the age and centers of the trainees.
4- It is important to talk at the opening about the training format , as the opportunity to ask questions throughout the explanation, using the mobile phone, going outside and entering the room and the dates of the rest, And any other services available to the trained, It is preferable not to allow the use of a mobile device in the room and it is customary to allow questions throughout the explanation, i.e. we want to keep the frame in the training room but with some kindness and wisdom.
5- Talk about the exercise article, determine what it will address and try to find out what the trainees expect, If their expectations are similar to what I’ve prepared, that’s good. And if they’re different , either they can be met or they can make it clear that That training program won’t cover. A few predictions. For example, it mightAsk you Preparing a training course on principles Prepare the production and then find out who He’s speculating that he’s talking about Sales strategy doesn’t make sense. It turned out at all,But in Circumstance of non- Being able to cover A limited number of expectations , so it would be good for the trainee to indicate A source like a book or a website he might find in. A limited number of information that interests him or gives him A limited number of training materials that may You appoint him.
6- Try to clarify the necessity of the subject for the trainees in Opening and throughout training, sometimes it’s It’s very important for the trainees. But the coach doesn’t. That sounds like no. The trainees are aware That’s only After the expiry of Training , so they’re not motivated. During training.
2. Dealing with trainees:
1- When dealing with learners, you must respect their experiences and knowledge and not treat them as students in school, And I’m not saying you have to make up respect , but I mean, being convinced of that in yourself, reverence is normal, You may encounter a limited number of trainees who seem to have seemingly silly ideas, but you have to deal with it without being distracted by their opinions, Focus on your mission of training and the exit of trainees who have acquired new science or skills.
2- Do not deviate from the text of the training and we seek to direct the training students who are out of the way to the training article again with some kindness, And be ware of going out of the way to external texts, especially religious or political texts, He warned that the course would be transformed into complaints of effort and from managers.
3- Make sure that everyone can participate and benefit from training.
4. Note the training and the expressions of their faces to see if they are enthusiastic about training or not.
5- Try to make training a pleasant experience for trainees by creating a good and comfortable atmosphere in the training room.
6- Expect to find a difference between the trainees in the background missed from the training article and in understanding, and you have to deal with that situation by expressing your appreciation of the experiences of those who have experience in the matter and not to make those who hear it for the first time feel embarrassed and hope that the training is absent in the first place! For example, you might use A limited number of phrases that It seems your appreciation to those who have experience in It’s about saying, for example,Probably a few of your honors have experience in That field, or you say, I have someone to share.That’s information. Basically, you might ask someone with experience. Sometimes. Explain a few of the situations in which he was used The text of the training adds realistic examples and benefits other trainees And that intern feels that Involved in the process Exercise,
For example, she says, “Do you explain to us what difficulties you have encountered in performing that method” or “what advantages the institution has gained from performing that system” and so on.
And you have to support The one who hears. It’s for the first time that you explain so that He could . he is aware Without showing it. In the form of a failed student, you could say, for example, “It’s possible some of you. He knows what marketing means. But let’s get it back. It’s all about each other and we get to know what’s new in it. Allows trainees By contributing, So the An individual who doesn’t he knows the meaning of marketing will understand it from your explanation and from the interventions of others without He feels embarrassed.
7. You have to Help the trained While doing some exercise , help them yourself or form groups that solve exercises of two and more so that each group An experienced combination of Matter and who doesn’t familiar with the subject before, And that’s how you benefit from the experienced and don’t embarrass the less experienced. But you have to . Continue to act between them In order not to matter to one participant contemptuously the other.
3. Dealing with difficulties:
You may find that some trainees do not want to participate , another speaks a lot and another refuses to train in the first place, you have to deal with these situations , leading to the superiority of the course and the benefit of the largest group of trainees.
1. A talkative person takes longer than the rest And then it takes time. Exercise affects other people’s participation That’s why you have to. You try to tell him when he starts taking his breath and then open the door to a participant. New hairy. The biggest subscriber in your estimation. For his statement, Also , don’t ask too many questions. Above it and don’t overdo it. Looking at him. Whenever he speaks so as not to encourage him to continue, And that certainly doesn’t. He means to ignore him or avoid. Look at him because. That means that. He feels like he’s not. required in it and turns into a rejected individual to participate and to train,
You can use kindness and wisdom and say: “Mr. Flan He’s got a lot of good points. Unless I ask your permission to allow The possibility for others.” lost it’s The floaters have to ask This individual provides and allows others to talk. Unless I watch out. until The talkative individual may not He can shorten his ideas, And there’s a newer category, the talker who speaks in a non- This training article, you have to. Show him. need what he’s talking about and gently ask him to To return to Training article.
2- You may find one who is hating training as a result of feeling upset in some way , Listen to him get to know me. A narrow motive and frustration. The construction above determines the method To act with The problem is, either it’s The problem is external and you have nothing to do with it. And he sympathizes with his problem and encourages him to continue seriously in training or that She wants to solve the problem if she has It’s about training itself as a place to sit or feel like you don’t care. With his participation or something.
3- Some trainees are shy or feel that their information is smaller than others to encourage you , so the individual starts talking to you and your behavior with the group in general and with his company in particular, The more you show your respect and desire to listen to trainees and their opinions , no matter how simple , the more you urge and support that trainee to participate.
4- Avoid any negative comments on the opinion of any of the trainees, if the justification is the deterioration of the level of the trainee compared to others, try to develop his confidence or feel your support and interest and this by helping him during individual or group exercises and taking care of his questions.
4. Language of training:
The language here means the language of writing the training material, Use the language the incident of the trained and their culture and the nature of their work, You usually use language. English in training without justification which causes the loss of the burden of trainees in Aware of the strange vocabulary on them In addition, the exercise article itself was aware. For example, why use language? English in Stimulus text or Appreciation or employment? In a few cases, the terms of affairs are more known to english-trained people than in Arabic, in which situation schools and education in British are better, such as training doctors in advanced text in medicine and also many engineering subjects.
Of course, the language of dialogue is normal in Ariba and the use of British occurs in special terms, so if you are free to choose the language of writing and the language of dialogue, but every now and then you areasked to equip the training material in a particular language.
5. Movement during training:
1. Move inside the training room and do not sit behind the desk or stand still for long periods.
2- Approach the trainers and interact with them.
3- If you use slides, don’t make every sentence in the slides look like when you press the mouse because it will make you stand next to the computer during the time.
4. Before the start of training , make sure that there are safe routes that you can move freely , which means that there are wide paths and you are not hampered by extended cables in the wind or the landing of the information viewer.
5. If you have to use the speaker, try using the wireless speaker so that it does not hinder your movement and if you have to use the classic wire amplifier, try to have a long cable that simply allows you to move.
1- You should be happy with the questions and listen to them carefully because they explain the attention of the trainees and cooperate in explaining things to everyone.
2. He sought to answer clearly and to ensure that the questioner had realized the answer by investigating him or through the expressions of his face and so on.
3. Some questions may be minor or a little trivial, but in any case it shows you that one of the trainees did not realize this simple information and took advantage of the possibility to clarify.
Unrelated questions should be avoided while explaining your appreciation of their importance.
5. You may not know the answer to some questions, you can promise the questioner to respond later with any means of communication or to open the field in order to respond to those who know who is present , if any.
7 . Presentation or lecture:
I said in an earlier article about how to make a presentation, you have to go back to it because it has a lot of observations in the use of the lecture method and I don’t want to repeat it again here.
8. Conclusion of the course:
1. I thank the trainees for their participation and encourage them to benefit from the training in their work.
2- Trade greetings with trainees and you can give them your email address in order to communicate with you regarding the text of the training.
3- It affects you to get to know the idea of trainees through a short questionnaire because it benefits you in preparing the upcoming training courses.
4- In the wake of training think about the topics that worked and those that did not work, analyzed the failure factors of a few training methods in order to be able to upgrade yourself at all times, Take the trainees’ opinion into account and seek to remedy future mistakes.
5. If you have a connection with the trainees following the training , try to see if they have been able to do something of what they have trained above and if it is not , try to find out if it is motivated by their inability to apply or for circumstances beyond their control.
8 professional steps to become a successful coach
Top tips for the trainer:
I asked a group of colleagues who attended ample training courses in Arab and foreign countries what they liked most and what they did not like about the training courses and their answers were about three points.
1. Successful courses focus on the application, including the trainee leaving training and having mastered doing something, Unsuccessful courses are courses in which the coach talks about beautiful affairs and does not train trainees to apply them in the reality of their work and sometimes even tells them that they have to discover how they perform in reality.
2- Successful courses in which the trainer can interact with the trainees and make them participate enthusiastically in the training and this is through his style and the diversity of training methods, and discussions, And study cases, role-playing, simulation, Unsuccessful courses are characterized by the most time-time lecture method.
3- Successful courses in which the coach slaps realistic examples and has theoretical and practical experience, Unsuccessful courses are far from reality and the coach has no other theoretical experience.
If you look at the 3 points , you find a common point between them, namely, “application” or “practicality”, which may be due to the deterioration of that point in many local training courses, Pay attention to that point and use all the ways in which you can link training to the reality of the work of the trainees and make sure that the trainees have become skilled in using what they have learned in reality.
Therefore , it can be said that we lack the increased use of exercises , simulations, role-playing and all practical methods of application, which is advice that touches on the usual shortcomings of training courses , butit is not enough alone for the success of training , all the reasons for the success of the training must be combined.
8 professional steps to become a successful coach
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