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8 professional ways to analyze your training needs

If you are the training manager of an organization or company , Senior management asked you to do an analysis of the training needs of the institution, You will simply be able to analyze training needs in a professional, hands-on manner.

    8 professional ways to analyze your training needs

8 professional ways to analyze your training needs

The question remains how can we analyze the training needs?, so we came to you with eight steps if you implement them you will get a thorough and professional analysis of the training needs of your organization, here are these steps:

  1. Determining the desired results: clarifying the objective of the training and the expected results of the work.
  2. Linking desired results to employee behavior: Identify competencies (behaviors, skill experiences , qualities and knowledge) related to the desired results.
  3. Identify training competencies: assess critical competencies and determine whether they are possibilities one must have before entering the job or in the course of exercising it
  4. Assessing competencies and identifying performance gaps: assessing ongoing competencies and determining where gaps remain between ongoing and desired capacity.
  5. Prioritizing training needs: Determining the percentage of employees who need competency training and insight into the need for job competencies.
  6. Determining how and how to do training: sight in adult learning theory and the highest actions in training in ad hoc competencies.
  7. Value and feasibility testing: Pal in the prices related to exercise methods, the extent to which training is transmitted with the performance gap, and the influence of this on the business.
  8. Preparation for training evaluation: Training is only effective if information is retained and implemented on the job.

The analysis of training needs addresses the following questions

To perform tna , you must follow these seven steps

  1. Document the problem.
  2. made in the formation.
  3. Develop a needs analysis measure.
  4. Select the technology to use.
  5. Do the analysis.
  6. Analyze the data.
  7. Look at the results.

Classification of training needs

There are different types of training needs. However, there is very little focus on the imbalance in performance in examining training needs.

    6Th most important training methods for the development of the work environment

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8 professional ways to analyze your training needs

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