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8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part II)

8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part II)

Preparing a training bag is not a difficult process if you follow the right rules and steps learn how to prepare an effective training bag from simple steps, Here are 8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part II).

Your bag has provided you with 8 steps to prepare an effective training bag

Step 4: Design of the training bag

When designing your training bag, take care of the following points:

  • Remember the importance of designing the training bag before starting the next step (which ensures that the content of the bag is improved and developed)
  • Focus mainly on the educational needs of trainees and not on what is easy for them to achieve.
  • Set up training bag content and assessments directly related to your educational goals.
  • Consider the foundations of adult education.
  • The content of the training bag should include as much practical practice as possible, as learning to practice is one of the best ways to learn.
  • As much as possible, put the trainees in control of the learning process (instead of the trainer).
  • Do your best to allow trainees to talk and interact with the coach and each other during training.
  • Make sure you have many opportunities to make opinions and comments during training.
  • Divide the training bag into small units that are easy to understand and understand.
  • Arrange the training bag units in logical order, for example to build one step at a time or arrange time for units, etc.
  • Try using the “mixed learning” method, which includes training in different forms (using computer, a, under the supervision of the trainer, etc.).
  • Try integrating interactive storytelling and scenarios into the content of your training bag.
    8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part II)

Step 5: Improving and developing the content of the training bag

Once the training bag is designed, it’s time to improve and develop its content

You can set up diverse content in the training bag during this step using several tools, and here are some options:

Word, Excel, and office programs are similar to preparing paper content for trainees and preparing feedback and outlines for the trainer.

Power Point to display content in lectures first prepare paper content that is delivered to trainees.

Graphic maps, posters, colored paper, and graphics can be used through your computer to display visual content for the training bag.

E-learning content setup tools such as Articulate Studio, Storyline or Adobe Captivat to set up computer-based e-learning content.

    5 steps to prepare the content of your training bag

Step 6: Implementation of the training bag

One thing to keep in mind is that the Learning Management System (LMS) can play a big role in helping you through this step, it is a software application used to determine the content of the training bag, submit it, follow it up, and report on it. In short, the learning management system can do many written tasks, schedule appointments and notifications that you must perform in this step automatically (and it can do more as well).

In addition You may also have to do things like provide information to the trainee supervisor, book training rooms, buy essential supplies, work on any schedule and you may also be able to provide food and drinks. Arrange so you can start training as easily as possible.

Moving to actual training, where training begins in a variety of forms, for example: It may be in classrooms, and practice opportunities such as: Role-playing exercises, discussion groups, case study and work skills-based training, and also by delivering paper content to each trainee for reading and studying. Preparing the content of an e-learning training bag is a combination of some or all of these methods.

If the content of the training bag includes a component that dims work skills, make sure you know what the trainees have to do to prove their competence. You should initially select this when setting up your educational goals.

    10 steps to prepare a successful training bag

Step 7: Evaluation of training

It’s easy to set up a training bag for trainees and you think you’ve finished your job, but if you do, you’ll have gone wrong. If your goal is to provide an effective training bag that changes the performance of trainees, make sure that the content of the training bag is effective. The measure used to do this is kirkpatrick’s training and learning assessment model, which includes measuring the effectiveness of the training bag at four different levels:

Trainees’ reaction to training:

Were the trainees impressed by the content of the training bag? Did you know anything useful? You can find out by noticing trainees during training and knowing their opinions and you can conduct a survey after the training is over.

Assess the actual learning of trainees:

You should assess the extent to which trainees learn the educational objectives of the content of the training bag during the training period through simple tests or practical skills exercises.

Test trainees after the end of training.

Evaluation of the performance of trainees after the end of training:

Do trainees apply the information, experience and skills gained from work training? This can be determined by observing the performance of trainees on the job.

Determining the results of training at work:

Has the training led to the desired results? Have revenues increased and costs reduced? Is there an improvement in production?

Step 8: Revise, improve or repeat any of the previous steps if necessary

You may need to go back to different parts of the training bag preparation process for a number of reasons, including that the content is ineffective or because there are new trainees, or you may have misjudged the educational needs of trainees A, you have prepared a few information… But don’t worry, you’ll do it better now that you know the way.

Conclusion: Effective training bags are easy to work.

Do training bags play an important role in the work? Sure, but not every problem can be solved by preparing training bags. The effectiveness of the training bags depends on how they are designed, developed, and implemented, if you follow the above eight steps, your training bag will be more effective.

Follow the rest of the steps in the previous article here

8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part 1)

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8 steps to prepare an effective training bag (Part II)

Integrated training bag

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