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9 professional steps to design a training program

The design of the training program includes the steps of preparing the trainers and its participants, selecting the appropriate training materials for the stage, in addition to motivating the participants to come out of it with the best tangible results that will benefit them and the organization.

9 professional steps to design a training program

The main elements that need to be identified when designing the training program are:

1- Defining the objectives of the program:

The goals are the goals that are hoped to be achieved behind the training program, and those goals are represented in the results that are designed and approved in advance.

2- Determine the type of skills to be trained:

After defining the training needs, the role of documenting the type of skill experience or skills appropriate to those needs comes to pass. which the training program will acquire or refine among the trainees, Such as typing , categorizing and archiving documents , communications, administrative leadership, or intellectual skill experiences .

3- Layout the training syllabus:

The training curriculum aims at the objects or materials and their vocabulary that will be studied or trained by the trainees , and their identification occurs in light of the training needs. In order for the training curriculum to be good and achieve the desired goals , it must be based on a realistic work environment .

4- Choosing a training method:

After setting the appropriate training curriculum , it is necessary to determine the appropriate method , and this process is not easy. Which can be used in the field of practice , except that it is very essential to note that these methods are not choices of one another, a few , or in all situations and circumstances .

5- Choosing the coaches:

The competent trainer is this necessary part of the training program design , as the trainer plays an important role in the success or failure of the training program

6- Training site

Perhaps the training should be in the place of effort and under the guidance of one of the experienced workers, whether he is the direct supervisor or a professional trainer in the exercise process.
Or, the exercise may be outside the job site or outside the organization, and this depends on the nature of the training mission and the conditions of the organization.

7- Necessary supplies for training

The training program lacks the following identification:
1- Qualifications of trainers and trainees that are compatible with training needs and objectives.
2- The equipment and auxiliary supplies for the exercise that are available at the effort site.

8- Training time

It is inevitable to determine the appropriate time to learn the skill experience, the experience and the knowledge desired to be imparted to the employees, as some skill experiences need longer time than others to acquire and learn the skill experiences . Just as individual learning requires more time than group learning and through the use of audio-visual equipment.

9- Determining the cost of the training program:

This step is embodied as the last step of the training program strategy process, as the exercise program supervisors benefit from the exercise ’s financial budget in getting to know the estimated prices of the training program ,

Training and development methods

Common methods of training :

A- On-the-job training

And that ‘s how much more Common methods ” in Staff training The direct supervisor is practicing Exercise and guidance mission According to planned steps, The student implements what he learned on the site Effort , and downsides That ‘s how trainee productivity drops during Exercise just as the supervisor devotes part of the In time for that process, just like that That road is no longer proportional to environmental changes .

b- The way of practicing the profession

This method and method includes preparing the trainee for a profession defined before entering the world effort , This training period varies between ( 5-2 ) Years according to the type of work and occurs during the training phase , the trainee was given less than the wages of workers in the same craft .C- The method of functional learning

This method includes three steps:1- Enrolling the trainee in an indicative program regarding the demands and procedures of the effort .
2- Providing theoretical lectures regarding the effort ’s format and controls.
3- Adjusting opportunities for the trainee to strive and practice the effort effectively .

H – job rotation

According to that category of the exercise , the transfer of employees within the organization from one department to another is completed , and the transfer process is accompanied by the exercise of the work on the side transferred to it.D- Training in environmental conditions corresponding to work

In accordance with that method and method , setting options for a place equipped with the types of supplies and equipment present in the original effort site and which the worker uses in his work takes place.

Contemporary training methods

1- Team coaching
organizations started Trendy realize that overproduction Related to properly and effectively Work group , administrative orientations The new one contains the assignment of responsibilities and burdens for a working group and not for individual style characters , It has focused management applications Comprehensive craftsmanship on working principle Club and training program Contributes to boosting morale For team members and resolve conflicts caused by Differences in goals and interests.2- creative training

This pattern of exercise is based on teaching creativity in order to assist workers in solving the problems they face in innovative ways . One of the methods that take a role in exaggerating creativity is how to brainstorm, as it gives participants the possibility to motivate creative opinions and promote and support modern opinions that appear strange.3- Crisis training

This type of exercise focuses on avoiding and preventing crises through sessions, seminars, and building a working group to confront natural and abnormal crises.4- Customer service training

The customer has become of great importance to contemporary organizations, as customer support represents one of the competitive benefits that organizations are trying to achieve in the presence of the comprehensive management of excellence .
The training program takes place in this style by holding discussion sessions, preparing data , showing films on how the customer service function, conducting meetings with customers and asking their opinions about products and services.

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9 professional steps to design a training program

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