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Definition of accounting specialization

Accounting is an academic discipline that gives a certificate to students who complete an accounting program, Whether from a college, university or business school. In the accounting profession in addition to clarifying the value and nature of resources, studying and analyzing financial reports and determining profit and loss for a specified period. The means available to the company to finance these resources and the potential impact of their use. Accounting includes the application of knowledge related to:

Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century! 1 Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century!
  1. Reporting and analysis of management’s financial information.
  2. Check financial records.
  3. Advice on tax matters.
  4. Perform internal audits.
  5. Transaction registration systems.

Types of accounting certificates

For each educational level in the accounting profession a certain certificate, The most common are:

Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century! 2 Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century!

Accounting areas

Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century! 3 Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century!

A bachelor’s degree in accounting can qualify the holder to work for a non-profit or government agency, like the FBI or the IRS, Graduates can work for their own benefit in accounting, accounting companies or corporate finance, Graduates also have the capacity to work in;

Accounting courses

Associate Accountant’s Degree

Programs for associate accountant degree students include:

Bachelor’s degree

Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century! 4 Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century!

Some courses offered to bachelor’s students:

Master’s degree

Some courses available to master’s students:

Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century! 5 Accounting and the types of his certificates are specialized in the 21st century!
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