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The profession of air conditioning and refrigeration has become more important nowadays, especially with development, scientific progress and the advancement of the level of life, This profession has played an important role in industry, housing and buildings, But there is a confusion between the concepts of air conditioning and cooling, So in this article we will explain the concept of both cooling and air conditioning and the most important terms used in this field as well as the most important courses in air conditioning and cooling.

The concept of air conditioning and cooling

Air conditioning, cooling and training courses 1 Air conditioning, cooling and training courses

Air conditioning in the overall sense is to process the air in the building or the place to be adapted to make it more suitable for the comfort and health of the human being or to provide the right atmosphere for the work of some machinery or industrial processes, It means reaching optimal conditions with temperature, humidity, air movement, air distribution, reducing dust, odors, harmful gases and microbes, This process is done by adding or pulling heat, moisture and spoiled air from where it is to be adapted to reach a constant heat that provides comfort to people in summer and winter.

As for cooling, it is a process in which heat is removed to reduce the temperature of a space to preserve the materials in it from damage or to achieve certain industrial or scientific purposes for this product or refrigerated material, The choice of the low temperature needed to maintain depends on the type of product and the duration of storage, Either it is short-term storage and the product or material cools at a temperature above freezing, Long-term storage is done at an subfreezing temperature, Storage conditions depend on the nature of the product and the period required for storage, Storage temperature, humidity and air movement within the cooling warehouse are taken into account.

Air conditioning and cooling terms

Air conditioning, cooling and training courses 2 Air conditioning, cooling and training courses

D. Air conditioning and cooling

The air conditioning and cooling course is designed to give participants the skills needed to work in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration at work sites and various projects for air conditioning and cooling systems, Participants also gain knowledge of the ways in which these systems are installed and operated, as well as methods of system selection and the use of highly efficient products and systems, Proper installation, accurate operation and final testing have a significant impact on customer satisfaction and energy savings.

The air conditioning and cooling course aims to provide trainees with the basics of electrical and mechanical circuits for various air conditioning devices and their elements and methods of installation, replacement and maintenance, It also displays various connectivity and operation tools and processes.

Course Outputs

Course materials


After this article we can say that cooling is the transfer of heat between water (cooled or iced) and the outer air whose temperature depends on the area, Air conditioning is a process in which the temperature and humidity of the room are improved. Cooling is a process in which an amount of heat that exists in an unwanted place is pulled out and this heat is diverted elsewhere, Air conditioning is a process in which air is processed industrially by eliminating excess moisture and purifying and distributing air.

Air conditioning, cooling and training courses 3 Air conditioning, cooling and training courses

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