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Defining creative thinking

Creative thinking is to see things in different and new ways, This is called out-of-the-box thinking because it includes lateral thinking or the ability to perceive unclear patterns in things, Creative people have the ability to design problem solving and new ways to meet challenges.

Creative thinking about work

Creative thinking and 3 ways to promote it 1 Creative thinking and 3 ways to promote it

Creative thinking occurs when a manager solves the problems he faces at work in a different way, It encourages its staff to find solutions to their problems rather than return to traditional practices; They can kind of think about finding more ideas and solutions. This question is asked on a collective scale.

Promoting creative thinking

There are many ways to promote creative thinking, Among them:

Examples of creative thinking

Creative thinking and 3 ways to promote it 2 Creative thinking and 3 ways to promote it

There are many examples of creative thinking, including:

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