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Defining creative thinking

Creative thinking is: the ability to generate a new and useful idea that has not been addressed before, A skill that enables you to create unique and unconventional original ideas.

Creative thinking can be expressed in a number of ways, The artist can create a beautiful and unique logo, A different strategic lawyer may find it unconventional to defend clients, Photographers take unusual pictures at work, Teachers may discover revolutionary theories in mathematics or physics that make it easier for students to learn and save them time and energy.

This does not mean that creative thinking is limited to artists, painters, designers or writers, It is an important feature for all professionals and individuals, But it enriches the fields of science, mathematics and engineering, It leads innovation and progress in all areas, Especially. It is a scientific field where anyone can lead creative thinking. His lifestyles and systems are different from those of others.

Characteristics of creative thinking

Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics 1 Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics

Is creative thinking a prerequisite for success? What are the characteristics of creativity that make people homeless? We can summarize the characteristics of creativity as follows:

  1. Awareness: To be creative, He should be aware of the problems around him and not just do it, He’s trying to find solutions.
  2. Dynamic thinking: Creative people aren’t just creative, They have to be dynamic and flexible, They have a strong ability to adapt to their surroundings for success and excellence. Creative thinking is an important condition for success and excellence.
  3. Complex thinking: Complex thinking means continuity, flexibility and originality, We can see this clearly in the works of great philosophers, thinkers and writers.
  4. Contrast: Creative thinking is born because of its differences new and useful ideas that delight the thinker a lot and impress those around him with his creativity and uniqueness, It is very important to be an impressive creative person in order to develop all his energy and ideas.
  5. Flexibility: Flexibility in thinking and creative behavior enables a person to adopt new and unique attitudes, ideas and behaviors.
  6. Originality: is the main feature of creative thinking, A creative person is not content with ideas and experiences, It uses all new ideas, attitudes and methods.
  7. Curiosity: Many creative qualities such as curiosity, creativity and flexibility are important to achieve, Because of curiosity, a person is keen to learn new things around him in any field.
  8. The ability to bypass the environment: The average person is a person who is bound by his environment and environment and cannot overcome it, But a creative person has the ability to easily bypass the environment and show new and new ideas of behavior and thinking.
  9. Look at the problem from a different angle: From a new perspective, The subject of thinking must be new and valuable, Thinking must be branching and continuous, So that new solutions can be found.

Types of creative thinking

Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics 2 Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics

Do employers prefer to hire creators than others? What are the types of creative thinking? Among them are: [3]:

Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics 3 Creative thinking and its 9 characteristics

Creative thinking skills

Creative thinking requires some skills, Including the ones we’ll mention here[4]:

Stages of creative thinking

Is there an automatic stage for innovators to start searching from a small seed to become a reality? The stages of creative thinking can be summarized as follows:

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