The basic idea is: Rapid learning is not a cosmetic process for the reality of learning, It is a structural change at the heart of this reality. It is a new philosophy that is all the novelty that is moving away from Muslim women in the world of training. It requires your heart, mind and soul to be fully immersed in your heart, mind and soul so that you can have as much success as possible with it. You have to tune in to quick learning in your entire personality, and feel the internal change deep in your soul or you will get out of the way step by step, You’ll find yourself in the box of uneconstrient and ineffective surface activities in the long run.
The three motivations of a successful fast learning practitioner are: Attention, creativity and action, These three qualities are what can help you to the fullest extent in your adoption and success in using rapid learning, Remember these three whispers every time you stand in the face of a new educational challenge.
Attention to the subject of training:
If caring for people is the first cornerstone, The interest in the material you know is the second stone. The materials that its trainers deal with with dryness, mechanical and lack of emotion reach the trainee flat and free of excitement, Real interest in and even passion for training is essential to your success in training to the extent that it has an effective impact on trainees. If you’re not excited about the material, How do you expect trainees to be excited?
Training is defined as an organized and planned effort to provide staff in the education system with a certain degree of knowledge, to improve and develop their skills and abilities, To change their behaviour and attitudes in a positive and constructive manner. During the performance of certain work and assignments by employees or teachers that are consistent with the policies, procedures and conditions of the educational institution in which they work
Learning courses and rapid training tend to be:
1. Activities are dependent not on materials:
If there are materials and references to the course, Don’t waste time or money copying it in the trainee’s booklet, And again there may not be many detailed manuals from the coach, But provide trainees with activities and experiences on the ground where they can think, meditate, talk about their practice and learn from it.
2. Rely on asking questions and not answering them:
The traditional approach tends to set everything up front, And get all the answers, Then transfer this wisdom to the learner from the top. Instead of storing pre-digested information from one person, It would be more efficient, meaningful and understandable to make the learner think about the answers on his own. Another.
3. Cooperative not isolationism:
It is necessary to build an educational society where people can help each other, It is a fundamental abandonment of the individual competitiveness on which public education depends. today Everyone in an educational environment is educated and educated at the same time, with the responsibility of learning across the educational community. All good learning has a foundation. And to be successful, It requires a healthy and creative social environment, It is not fixed. Learning is not consumption, It is a creation. Learners are not so much consumers of other people’s ideas or information as they are innovators of their ideas and information. therefore Curriculum design doesn’t need to describe everything to learners, It focuses on creating an educational environment. Where learners create meaning, understanding, skills and values for themselves
4. Multi-course table, For one meal:
Diversity is the flavor of learning, We must move away from designing and replacing cookie cutting approaches with a more flexible and diverse approach that fits all learning patterns and provides learners with a wide range of learning opportunities options.
5. In a context not isolated from the real world:
Rapid learning programs try to learn in a way that emphasizes learning through the full participation of the learner rather than isolated out-of-context learning. Learning is better when all senses are used, The whole body, with real-world practice. Learning is more than just separate and unrelated exercises.
6. Led by results, No means:
Rapid learning design focuses more on tasks than on structures (compared to many traditional methods), It does not follow standard training structures, But it can take many structures depending on the position. Its motto is: Do what works. When the structure cannot achieve extraordinary results (no matter how creative it is), Leave it and look for another structure. It can achieve extraordinary results.