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Everything you want to know about e-training

Everything you want to know about e-training

Believing in the importance of training and its effectiveness in all areas of electronic training and when
Provided by electronic training to the trainee, trainer and community alike , The General Foundation for Technical and Vocational Training stood on its feet by establishing an electronic training headquarters and training sources, which in turn stood on its feet with a comprehensive study of all international standards related to electronic training.

    Everything you want to know about e-training

Everything you want to know about e-training

In the wake of this, e-training has promoted the formation of integrated electronic environmental training conditions that support

On modern technologies, including:
Computer , The Internet, Training software, Forums Email.. Etc.

The first requirement: clarifying the concept of electronic training

Electronic training is known as follows:

Is to provide training and educational programs through a variety of electronic media including CDs and the Internet simultaneously or asynchronously and by adopting the principle of self-training or training with the help of a trainer.
Training is also defined as a training process using the Internet (local network or International ) To show the presentation of electronic bags or interaction with trainees Whether simultaneously or not simultaneous or led by the coach or Without the coach or Mix between That’s all.

Electronic training is equipped with an educational environment without supervisors. So he means more and more enthusiastic participation.
More and more educational success and finally a valid foundation.

Electronic training is the process in which the preparation of an interactive atmosphere is rich in applications based on computer technology and its networks and various media, which the trainee was able to reach the purposes of the training process by interacting with its sources, This is in the shortest possible time and with the slightest effort and the highest rates of excellence without adhering to the limits of headquarters and time.
Electronic training is a training process that aspires to provide training content through any method of modern communication mechanisms of computer equipment and the Internet network to overcome the distance of the terrain between the trainee and the trainer, It is the training in which the trainee is distinguished from training, who trains, where he trains and what he trains within possible limits .

Electronic training can achieve the following goals.

  • Self-building knowledge.
  • Training anywhere and anytime.
  • Increase the trainee’s confidence in himself.
  • Help trainees use ICT and available networks

To learn e-learning to study and review programs, curricula and training headquarters.

  • Preparing trainees for life in the age of information culture.
  • Overcoming the problems of traditional training methods.
  • Planning training programs, curricula and courses in a digital way .
  • Know the foundations and metrics by which developments can be disbursed to develop
    Training system.

From traditional to e-training, the following should be taken into account:

Planning for the training system:

It’s a process. Planning a system Training is a responsibility. Many of its beneficiaries in the first place The biggest , and. Lin, this operation. Professionals in Training and entering Within the planning of the system Training also knows the need to Electronic training and identification General goals and His own .

2. Implementation of training:

It is intended as a method and how to complete the translation of policies, strategies and practices described in the design period to meet and accomplish the purposes of training.
And ends the performance of electronic training in a virtual environment that allows for some kind of compliance and freedom to choose
The training place and its time.
This requires the preparation of training sites with requirements from the electronic training system and its media, which include: Internet, various means, Skilled classes, Electronic training programs situation. In addition, the head of the training team is selected to have the ability and competence to manage such a format.

3- E-training calendar:

The training evaluation process is based on a number of foundations, standards and indicators that can
through which modifications are made to develop a training approach, And draw up his future strategies.

Requirement 2: Benefits of e-training

The benefits of e-training are:

1- Reducing the price of training and raising the efficiency of trainees

2- E-training creates an interactive relationship between trainees and trainers.

3. The trainee can reach the training fact at any time and from anywhere.

4- Reduces the price of travel for the trainer and trainee.

5- Urges and supports trainees to browse the Internet by using hyperlinks to access additional information about the lesson article .

6- Develops the ability of the trainee to use the computer and benefit from the Internet , which helps his profession

7- Encourages the trainee to be self-reliant and to reach the construction period.

Demand 3: Pros and Cons of Electronic Training


As the data revolution grows, its quantity increases and the internet becomes instantly widespread .
And the computer, The opinion of the electronic exercise arose to take advantage of the overwhelming possibilities of contemporary technology, which leads to modernization in classical exercise systems and their development and as earlier,

Licensed training and education on high data networks has a number of advantages that can be summarized at the following points:

1. Independence from time and headquarters constraints: The training process can occur at any time and location
There are still trainees, so using various training methods such as printed material and tapes,
Audio, e-mail, computer and other alternative to relying on a single origin
Just like in traditional training.

2- Shortening the training time: Savings at the time are estimated to vary between 20% and 80% , which is explained by the fact that the trainee controls the validity of the material as he can pass the unnecessary parts and pay attention to the sections he needs.

3- Attention to individual differences between learners and allowing the student to take self-step.

4- Internet technologies allow both parallel and unconsented teaching devices.

5. One of the benefits of e-training is that it is complemented in isolation so that trainees are given the possibility to experience error in weather conditions of the feature without any sense of embarrassment.

Saving different educational methods and media for these used in classic training companies

7- Electronic training is assigned to transport the weather and the surrounding atmosphere among the walls of the training company to the house, which avoids the trainees feeling ashamed when asking their questions or expressing their opinions.

8. Developing people’s own possibilities to adapt to differences in the scope of continuing education and training.

9. To cherish the merits of an employee who cannot study full-time while on the job.

10– Easy access to the trainee even outside government training times.


There is no doubt that the framework is not without negatives and the negatives of that framework are the following:

1- The lack of participation of the trainee positive in the circulation of views and ideas with the trainee on the one hand and with the group on the other .

2- The difficulty felt by a limited number of trainees when wanting to communicate directly with the trainers, The communication and communication process is clarified as soon as the trainers determine the duties and tasks of the trainees.

3- The difficulty faced by some trainees in communicating their ideas in the electronic course .

4. To fade and weaken the role of the trainer (human) as a fundamental educational and educational influencer.

5- The lack of benefit from eating due to the difficulty of restoring lessons with the trainees to find out the area of their absorption, due to the difficulty and lack of direct contact between the trainer and the trainee.

6- Electronic training the trainee does not know how others feel , And kindness, screen and good transmission with others and the trainee does not know the sense of responsibility.

7. Difficulty Perform a few actions and Skilled experiences to be learned in some training programs,So professional and scientific programs sometimes lacking until the trainee comes out His dwelling or order of his work and Heading to Company headquarters to facilitate Training in learning The desired skill experience to be learned.

8- The difficulty of controlling the actions of the examinations department and verifying its credibility and the difficulty of valuing the trainees.

Fourth request : Justifications for using electronic exercise

The age is special Existing A number of issues and challenges that Nodding to gaps that might causes diminishing and deficiencies in In exchange for development demands and Especially in the field of Exercise in an age Lacks of One to be Permanent training as a matter of renewal The data .

One of the most important justifications for using online training is:

1- Cognitive explosion and technological leadership :

The present era is characterized by abundant data and its accumulation in an urgent way. The current developments in international investment geared towards integration and bitter heroism based strongly on informatics and the science of the most prominent challenges that will face all sectors.

2- Communication revolution and speed of data transmission:

The continuation of the technical revolution in the field of data and communications and the resulting significant and continuous growth in the capabilities of processing, storing, retrieving, transmitting and running information information and data locally and internationally very quickly and at a reasonable price.

Demographic conditions :

The population situation in the present time has become a challenge, And it became necessary to strategy to face that accelerated progress Because this creates pressure on natural resources and service companies from education, training , health and housing.

The relationship between population growth and human resources refers to two requirements:

– A. Quality resource development must be investigated Humanity in the presence of its quantum rise Which means expanding the capacity of educational institutions And training in Not similar stages and different their forms to accommodate the growing numbers with Pupils with Continuous promotion of the quality of education and Training provided and adapted to Investment development demands.

B. The need to find jobs in different investment sectors

4- Deficiencies in the training of qualified training staff:

Modifying and preparing training staff is one of the pillars necessary to develop the exercise, The next period should see a surge in the processing of training staff and the required specialties as planned to meet the development needs of the community.

Through electronic training from a distance, the past dilemma can be overcome by the style of the invited sports director or the style of the guest trainee.

5. The inability of classical exercise companies to provide training opportunities for specific groups of society:

Despite the overwhelming development in education and training, societies continue to suffer from the lack of saving educational and training opportunities for a variety of factors, And the latter may be due to economic, family or health reasons such as physical and emotional disabilities, or political like arrests and house arrests

  • Professional reasons such as the love of engaging in work at a premature age or for geographical reasons so far the university is not sheltering the student or his place of work.
  • For social reasons such as the development of society and its change and the need for the place of buying and selling to professionals

and professionals in different professional fields

  • For the need of the job to Skilled technical experience specific to match what’s going on growth and granted scientific and technological or For an educational need such as not fulfilling a need People and society of Areas of specialization and Technical expertise diverse and for the desire to continue learning and self-development and enlighten it in the fields of science and knowledge and Diverse skill experiences are the field of life.
    5 The most important benefits of training within the institution
Everything you want to know about e-training

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