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Self-development does not depend on academic qualifications or the highest level of employment. You always need to develop your skills through methods that help them expand their knowledge and improve their mental, social and practical level. All this must be done by the means determined by man in order to achieve his goal in life.

Everyone has ways to develop themselves and improve their social skills, But in the end it reaches the main goal of “self-development”, So this article is a complete guide for you to help you develop yourself in more ways than one. To choose the most suitable and closest way for you.

Self-development books

Dr. Stephen Coffey said that self-development and human capacity development such as gasoline in a car. Have you ever found a car that doesn’t contain gas, The same car cannot be on the path to success without self-development and the development of one’s skills.

There are many ways and steps that help you develop yourself, One of the shortest and best reading, which also nourishes your soul and mind. The most famous self-development books are as follows:

1. The monk who sold the Ferrari to Robin Sharma

Canadian-Indian author Robin Sharma is the author of one of the best books on self-development and human capacity development, So his book, The monk who sold the Ferrari, It has been a great success and has been translated into more than 70 languages.

This book contains an interesting story of fiction, full of the wonderful wisdom he had given in his wonderful style by Robin Sharma, From this judgment, “The only limit that hinders a man is himself.” An hour of daily and regular reading will be your life. “

In the lessons I learned from this book, You have to strengthen your will in two ways: first You have to shut your mouth all day, and secondly, Try to make some movement, Even if you don’t like it one day.

2. The Seven Habits of Highly Qualified Stephen Coffey

It is one of the best self-development books and has been published all over the world, Even in remote villages. The book from which 15 million copies were sold speaks of 7 habits or rather priorities in our lives that we must learn.

The first habit is to be proactive, The second is to finally start talking about the plan and its importance. The fourth habit, You talk about leading a successful relationship in which everyone is a winner and a success.

The fifth habit is to get to know others first, The sixth relates to cooperation and its importance, And the seventh is about constantly honing your skills, Like a saw it must always be sharp.

3. Robert Green’s Rules of Power

It’s a very special book in the field of self-development, It has been translated into several languages, including Arabic, The world is portrayed as a game you should know. In this book, Lists 48 strict rules for dealing with people.

4.How to Earn Friends for Dale Carnegie

A guide to making friends, And people’s love, And being a positive person, It all ends in self-development and the development of your social network. After years of forgetting with them. “

Self-development and self-confidence

Trust is to understand that you trust your judgment and abilities, And that you value yourself and feel valued, No matter what flaws you have or how others look at you.

Self-competence and self-esteem are sometimes used in exchange with self-confidence, But they differ skillfully. We gain a sense of self-efficiency when we see ourselves (and others like us) mastering skills and achieving goals. This encourages us to believe that if we learn and work hard in a particular region, We will succeed. Faith leads people to difficult challenges and constant setbacks.

Self-esteem is a global feeling that we can deal with what’s happening in life and that we have the right to be happy, Moreover, Self-esteem comes partly from people around us who agree with how we feel, We may agree on that. No control over that, If we are too influenced by criticism or rejection from others, it is easy to earn our self-respect unless we support it in other ways.

How to develop oneself

Here are the top 16 books and steps that enable you to develop yourself 1 Here are the top 16 books and steps that enable you to develop yourself

Everyone agrees on the need for self-development and personal growth, But methods and methods are not described. Everyone has different ways and steps to develop themselves, Those who keep pace with changes and seek development must develop a approach, set goals and implement them as soon as possible.

Self-development can be planned in a number of serial ways, including:

1. Defining principles and values

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A person who wants to develop himself and grow with his personality must align his compass with the principles and values created by God so that he does not get lost on the path of change, so that his way is the same as his own. Life: The principles and assets on which long-term survival depends vary.

A person must always realize that values are the focal point on which all changes and development processes are based, A safety valve that maintains human orientation and guides the future.


Prioritize before starting any change plan, And on your personal growth journey, By setting a timetable, You can help yourself achieve goals based on priorities as well as tasks that you should follow and perform at specific times for each, This is the meaning of real achievement and most importantly, It leads to defects in the result and the final value obtained.

3. Learning and experiences

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One of the most important pillars of self-development is the ability to learn and gain different experiences in a short period of time, so that you can develop what you really need, Because knowledge-based development benefits the owner in any situation, Science leads the way in personality, skills, behavior and other aspects of steady and medium improvement, And constantly upgrade it use the best tone.

4.Positive thinking

Positive thinking is an important process rooted in self-development and improvement, When a person acquires positive qualities, It helps him move towards his goals and makes him the first choice for everyone around him and opens up many unique opportunities. He. Positive thinking is reflected in an individual’s behavior and skills. Its reality because it does not know positivity is a dead end because the options are open and there are many.


The benefits of optimism are reflected in the noble value of the development of human motivation, and motivate him to complete his career and seek to develop himself, to achieve his goals and ambitions. Optimism is reflected in self-development, development, And continuous learning.

6. Self-confidence

Self-esteem, appreciation and self-confidence are the key factors for real success, When a person shows confidence in himself, He can make progress and speed in his life because he has become a different kind of mature person. The people around him.


A person who develops himself must seek order and balance, So that he can realize his ambition little by little to build harmonious and orderly.

8. Perseverance and concentration

The biggest factor that hinders a person from developing himself and deprives him of the joy of success and achievement is procrastination, Those who want to achieve their desires and requirements must work hard and focus on working towards their goals without confusion or distraction. . The early stage requires perseverance and hard work to build and achieve overall success through an upgraded plan and focus on the desired goals.

Steps to self-development

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There are many ways and steps to develop yourself that you can practice in your personal growth process to become a conscious person. We have now collected the best steps for your self-development, Which:

1. Read a book every day

Books are a central source of wisdom. The more books I read, the more increased the wisdom to which you are exposed. There are thousands of books about self-development and personal skills, But if these aren’t your favorite books, You can read what kind and make sure you benefit in every way.

2. Learn a new language

Learning a new language is a new skill, It measures your perception and thinking, And it expands your perception, Because you’re not only allowed to learn new vocabulary and terminology, It also learns from you new cultures from different peoples, While this in itself is a great experience in self-development.

3. Choose a new hobby

Is there anything new to learn other than your usual favorite hobby? What new sports can you learn? Your new hobby can also be a hobby such as pottery, cooking, dancing, web design, etc.

4. Get a training course.

Are there new courses to take? The course is a great way to gain new knowledge and skills, And it doesn’t have to be a long cycle, Where the purpose symposium serves.

Anyone who wants to become a smarter learner should take these courses or workshops for at least 20 minutes, It will stimulate your inner talent for learning and help improve your ability to learn and acquire any skill faster.

5. Create inspiring places

Your mood environment has a major impact on your self-development, If you work or study in an inspiring place and environment, You will certainly be your daily inspiration, And it will push you to learn more, Everything is open to a new passion.

6. Overcome your fears

We all have fear, And the fear of uncertainty, and the fear of speaking in front of the public, And fear of risk, All our fears put us in the same position and hinder our growth.

Knowing that your concerns reflect the areas where you can grow, Always think of fear as a compass for growth, If you’re afraid of something, It presents a new challenge that you must face and design to help you grow and develop.

7. Wake up early

Many successful and inspired people around the world agree on early steps to improve your productivity and quality of life if you want to be a successful person in your life.

This may be because when you wake up early, Your mentality is ready to continue the momentum and live every day positively.

8. Weekly exercise routine

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It’s better to start getting better shape, So you have to stick to your exercises at least once a week so you can reach your goals, Even if you’re skinny and don’t need to do weight loss exercises, You definitely need the morning. Practice today to make you stronger active and accepting.

9. Admit your flaws

Everyone has flaws, And the most important thing is to understand it, recognize it and deal with it, So you have to ask yourself, “What flaws can you fix now? How do you want to heal?”

10. Start working

The best way to learn and improve is to take action. Waiting achieves nothing. Taking action lets you learn immediately.

11. Learn from people who inspire you

Think of the people you love, And the people who inspire you, and who reflect certain qualities you also want for yourself.

12. Avoid negative people.

There are negative people wherever we go, And if you feel like they’re dragging you down, Don’t spend much time around them.

13. Learn how to deal with people

Sometimes there are bad people you can’t avoid, Like where you work, Or when this person is part of your inner circle, Learn how to deal with them and not allow them to affect your personal and professional life.

14. Stop watching TV.

Reduce your time watching TV because it doesn’t give you enough awareness, Instead, he always tries to control your mind and intuition through ads or TV shows that target specific interests.

In return, The time when you’re free not to watch TV is now used constructively for other purposes, Like communicating with close friends, And do the work you enjoy, and exercise, reading, And so on.

15. Start a 30-day challenge

Set a goal and give yourself 30 days to achieve it. Your goal may be to stick to a new habit, Or something I always wanted to do, but you didn’t.

30 days is enough to develop strategies, plan, start, review and set goals.


Meditation can help you calm down and raise your awareness, Especially if you practice meditation early in the morning or at night before bedtime. The first helps you focus and prepare for the day, The second gives you deep sleep and reduces internal chaos.

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