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Human Resources

The humanresponse mua refers to employee-focused tasks by dividing the company according to a series of activities, including training, recruiting new staff, mentoring individuals and providing staff benefits, [1] Human resources are defined as part of facility management, Focuses on managing and training employees as one of the most important work assets. [2] Another definition of human resources is management for the company’s employees; [3]

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Key human resources functions

Human resources are used in many jobs in various institutions and companies: [4]

Human resources targets

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Human resources seek to achieve the goals that contribute to the development of the working environment, Among them are: [5]

Human Resources Planning

HR PLANNING is a process that helps ensure that the right number of staff is available in the right place and when they are needed. Appropriate investment in human resources while ensuring a balance between demand and supply required for human resources. [6]

The application of the HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING process depends on the use of two types of data: [6]

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Human Resources Development

Human resources development is a way to help develop the employee’s personal and organizational career skills or organize the company. It is also interested in the knowledge and functional competencies that support human resources, Human resources development aims to support the prosperity of human capital through the overall development of the company and then the development of both.

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