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Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance

In a study conducted by Harvard University in 1965 showed that the world would pass over the next 50 years. That study is in a state of Change faster than ever It went on , and it showed. That study that Institutions that don’t You’ve got enough speed. To keep up with that change , no. She can continue to Competition , determined. That study is that You have to go with the speed. Creativity and innovation for individuals who are policy makers those companies in the near or distant future.

    8 The most important means of assistance in training bags

Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance

And after we’re living. This change on the ground imposed by The world order that To lead this change, institutions need a philosophy. New makes her capable of me. Adjusting the performance of individuals (The importance of training for staff) drawing Performance strategies for these organizations.

And heThe development processes have produced a new philosophy of corporate cooperation in developing the performance of the individuals who make up the body of that institution under the name of training.

Training definition:

There are many definitions of the concept of training, but in its entirety, it aims to define training as the process of improving an individual’s performance, building his abilities and developing his skills and behaviors, In order to have a direct impact on the best performance of his duties and as required, one of the researchers knows that:

A range of activities aimed at improving professional knowledge and abilities , Always taking into account the opportunity to apply them at work.

Training is defined as:

The activity of acquiring and increasing the knowledge and skill of the individual to perform a particular work.

It is also known as:

Organized and planned work to provide the organization’s human resources with specific knowledge, revise and modify their skills and capabilities, and to transform their behaviour and attitudes in a good and constructive manner, which may be reflected in the promotion of performance in the organization.

Training is defined as a learning process involving the acquisition of skilled experiences, concepts, rules or trends to increase and revise a person’s performance.

Training is defined as an activity aimed at providing personalities with a set of skilled data and expertise that results in the rise in the amounts of individuals performing their work.

It is defined as a systematic modification of the knowledge, skills and directions required by the individual so that he or she can apply his duties well and effectively.

And he knows that operation Enabling the individual to Being able to use modern technology and new art Work and its methods, Training is not limited to gaining experience And professionalism in working in A specific degree and standard, Except that you might Contains acquisition Simple skill experiences and their development to High-level skilled experiences, So it’s a process. Successively, it’s going to be over a lifetime. The practical person. It is also known as the transfer of training content or Skilled training experience from Individual (Sports Director) into One/ other people (trainees) so that Completes realizing content or gaining Properly skilled experience by trainees By transferring his experiences Sports director to the trainee.

Training is also defined as: Activity Continuous supply The individual with the skills, experience and directions that make him able To enhance its production efficiency by He’s trying to make the foundation work. And that’s by indoctrinating him. Skilled science, experience and behaviors Close to improving his efficiency to apply certain tasks in side that works out.

He knows training, too. on the basis that it’s the learning that Completes its introduction With the aim of upgrading the performance in The work under way and the revision of the performance of the individual is done by: to show him how to master New technology or Present (Technology can be part of a heavy mechanism, Or a computer, or act to produce a product, or how to provide support.

Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance 1 Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance

Training concept:

Training has a traditional concept and a modern concept.

The traditional concept of training:

Giving people the data and knowledge associated with their work and the best ways to perform in it, And move Skilled experiences and possibilities and enabling them to invest the energies they store and have not found Its way to actual use Throughout the education process, That’s in addition to working on Developing behavior and updating performance methods issued by characters and so to make available possibility and a lot of progress and development in Work and provide protection to bring about the purposes of the escalating version .

The modern concept of training:

The concept of modern training has not been considered a traditional concept limited to the processing of traditional training courses and the granting of pass certificates for such courses, but the concept of training has become a strategic choice in the human resources development and investment system,

That concept is not called a working person or employee, but rather is called the most important humanitarian resource above all development plans in any company, society or civilization on earth,

Except to prepare the concept dialogue for training that process Solid family building or A successful business, interconnected society or dominant civilization does not depend on Source on the large number of resources you have But adopt a process Creating for those entities Against a qualitative background The characters who are responsible for An investment interest . She’s got a. Property and status And some performance . Walk above from the policies.

The importance of training:

Based on these concepts of training, the importance of training for both the new and the deep staff member appears to be important.

The new employee who recently joined the company may not yet have the skills and expertise to perform the duties of the craft with the required efficiency.

Hence the need for training in providing the new employee with the skill expertise that makes him able to perform the duties expected of him in a satisfactory and correct manner

Even a staff member with past experience who recently joined the organization for a specific profession may not have the general potential for good performance,

Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance

Follow the importance of training

And that’s where it works. Training in completing the required capabilities, In addition to determining its destination and adapting it to the circumstances And the conditions in the organization, And then it’s Training is supportive and supportive of the capabilities The new employee including maintains his compatibility with Demands of effort and therefore good work. Just like it’s not limited The necessity of exercise and its benefits to the workers Interns enrolled Recently in the organization,

But Includes its importance and usefulness So are the old workers. And that’s what Ensures that their information is updated and to realize their potential on Doing their jobs. And so because There is a continuing development in science and knowledge, The subject that requires Continuous modernization of systems And the methods of effort,

That issue requires arming workers and providing them with modern skills and knowledge and support to carry out work effectively and effectively through training.

Training objectives for the person:

  1. Training objectives fit specific behavioral objectives that make the individual more worthy and effective within the space they occupy in life.
  2. Training is content that suits one’s needs.
  3. Training is on short terms in which a specific category of experience is removed from the trainee’s technical director.
  4. Training is based on contributing to the modernization of science.
  5. Training gains data, knowledge and experience to improve skilled experiences, create possibilities and change the convictions of trainees.

Training objectives for the organization:

1. Increasing issuance: This is by upgrading the amount and revising the quality by flexible workers on the way to carry out their duties with a high degree of mastery and thus increasing their production ability.

2. Investing in expenses: Training programs create a higher-than-cost return and therefore by raising the productive merit of workers and the economy in time as a result of good knowledge of how to work and how to perform.

3. Raising the morale of the workers: Through the exercise, the worker feels the seriousness of the business in supporting him and her desire to modify it and strengthen his relationship with his profession from which he lives, which may end up in his increased sincerity and dedication in the performance of his work.

4. Saving the spare intensity in the facility: It is an important source of employment needs, by which the preparation and preparation of the required working forces is written off.

5. Reducing waste: Because training employees means introducing them to their work and performance methods and thus creating science, awareness and self-criticism in a way that the sports director does not lack in increased control and control in the performance of his work.

6.The Few in The misfortunes of the effort: Training means The best staff know Methods in running Machine , movement, material handling, etc. It’s a source of Industrial disaster builder works Training in elimination or Reducing these calamities related to those activities.

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Innovative ways to improve individual and enterprise performance

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