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The management training of new staff to prepare them for the challenges they face in the job, As well as refining and enhancing the knowledge, skills and experience of older staff.

Training takes many forms, including management training, Or business, Or information, Or technology, Or technical training.

One of these formulas is adopted from the job definition, The tasks and roles to be performed derive from the objective of defining the organizational structure of each post.

Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts 1 Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts

More functional responsibilities, skills, qualifications and experience related to purely management practices such as monitoring, leadership, motivation, evaluation, planning, regulation, control, policy and rules application and management problem solving; operational training programs are primarily used to compensate for gaps in the knowledge and mental and behavioral skills of these people practice.

therefore Administrative training of staff is a formal and informal process conducted directly in the training hall or between superiors and subordinates, In order to develop the commitment of employees to perform administrative tasks in the best possible way by improving their knowledge, skills, experience and attitudes, So is their development and refinement.

To ensure the effectiveness of staff management training, Four basic principles must be adhered to, Among them:

Participation: The learner’s involvement in the management training of staff not only increases the speed of learning, It also enhances what an individual has learned over a longer period of time. In the training room, Participants participating in the dialogue, discussion and inquiry will have better learning opportunities than those who attend negatively.

Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts 2 Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts

Repetition by: Repetition helps determine what an individual has learned. Psychologists believe that repetition should spread over a relatively long period;

C. The possibility of translating what the trainee has learned into the practice of: Management training for staff is effective when the trainee benefits from the knowledge gained during training in actual work. Factors that help include trying to simulate actual working conditions and tools used in the job during training. The same can be said for management skills.

Feedback: Learners need an influx of feedback on the results of their actions to determine the effectiveness of administrative training for employees. For example Did the training not changed his behavior? What shortcomings should be corrected? Without this, You won’t be able to properly judge the effectiveness of learning.

The 360-degree rating system is one of the most common types of feedback systems today.

In this kind of evaluation, Multiple sources of information are used to assess an individual’s performance, Where it’s not just presidents (usually), It also extends from colleagues, subordinates and presidents, But from the same person.

Types of management training:

Most large institutions usually offer six types of management training to staff, Each has different objectives:

Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts 3 Learn about administrative training for employees in 3 concepts

Training at the beginning of service: Includes training in introductory and introductory programmes, As well as management training programmes for new staff on work skills.

These programs are designed and implemented to provide new employees with organizational knowledge, As well as the basic trends and functional skills required for initial job performance.

2- Therapeutic training: This training includes any form of formal or informal training aimed at correcting clear deficiencies in the staff member’s knowledge, skills or positions.

Enhanced competency training or advanced training: These programs are designed to improve, expand, increase or update functional skills and knowledge.

Retraining: These programs aim to provide employees with new skills to replace those outdated by technological advances, the emergence of new equipment, new processes or new products.

5- Multifaceted training: It is sometimes called skills improvement training or deployment training. These programs are a way to develop multi-skilled workers, individuals who can adapt to changing business needs and technological progress. Multifaceted training is an important strategy to make the organization more productive, It encourages stability and a rapid response to change, And avoid layoffs, Potential contractions in the supply of qualified workers are compensated.

Return to work training: The training includes those who have been absent from work for long periods and need initial training to update the skills and knowledge required for the job. The term is also used to train returnees who have worked abroad for a long time to help them deal with cultural trauma. because they returned home after a long absence.

Training needs requiring the start of the training process for staff managers:

1 Course of life of the training process:

Staff management training aims to raise the level of human potential to help organizations and individuals achieve their goals.

Staff performance issues in the past, present or future are known to be at the centre of the training process, Therefore, the process of identifying training needs is the first stage in the life cycle of the training process, This helps to better deal with performance issues. But it is not limited to this stage, Instead, this episode includes:

Training planning and design: This phase means optimizing the resources available to meet specific training needs.

Administrative training for staff should be focused as a training process, Whether for the individual or the group, On the desired result, which is usually an increase in performance. therefore Training only ends with this performance improvement.

At this point, Training must be designed, This means applying training techniques to gain learning opportunities. If realistic and accurate project objectives are set, Learning opportunities will be designed to match those goals to some extent.

Implementation of training: The successful implementation of training depends on several factors, the most important of which is the precise identification of training needs, And the awareness of trainees about training needs, And support from senior management, And the successful selection of training methods, Finally train their teachers. Skills to support individual educational needs.

C. Evaluation of the training process: This phase should answer the following questions: How useful is the training program?

Since the results of the training should benefit both the trainee and the institution, The program must be designed in such a way as to measure improvement.

The concept of identifying training needs:

Identifying training needs is a stage in the life cycle of the training process, which precedes the three stages mentioned above.

There are many reasons why people don’t behave as expected, They can be added as follows:

> don’t know how and when to do tasks, The problem lies in the lack of knowledge and skills.

> they don’t stimulate performance, The problem here is the lack of a motivational process, The incentive system that invites workers to attend training therefore needs to be corrected.

there > something that prevents them from working, Whether in the organization or in the environment, The problem here is the organization and the environment in which it operates.

therefore Identifying training needs means analysing the areas of imbalance between target performance and current performance resulting from one or more of the above reasons.

Identifying training needs also represents a diagnostic phase for the management training of staff, Where it is difficult to determine who is covered by the training, And training objectives, What is planned and how training can be provided, An objective assessment of training activities without careful and objective assessment of the identification of training needs.

Identifying training needs must therefore answer five key questions: Where is the training (organic or professional)? Who should be trained? What is the content of the training? What are the expected results after exercise? When are the results of the training tangible for the trainee and the organization?

There are three main ways to determine administrative training for staff:

Method 1 – Organizational analysis: When using organizational analysis to identify training needs, The focus is on understanding the place required for training (department, department or branch), (What is training), to meet training needs. the problems you face, When analyzing the organization, It is necessary to distinguish between two main aspects:

Analysis of the organizational structure, Regulatory climate analysis, Here are some of their respective training indicators:

Indicators resulting from the analysis of the organizational structure: By analyzing the organizational structure, Changes in the organizational structure of an individual’s work can be sensed, which can help identify unexplaceable training needs that may affect an individual’s competencies because of these adjustments, For the reason for the indicator, I mention: Creating new jobs, and the elimination of current posts, and modify the duties and responsibilities of some functions, and change the organizational position of some functions, and delegate some higher jobs to job cuts, and focus some functions instead of dispersing them, and create new jobs. Activity or shutdown of some current activities. By adding or reducing the number of employees, Committees are ineffective and spend a lot of time discussing topics.

Indicators derived from regulatory climate analysis: The regulatory climate is a measure of regulatory temperature and can be inferred from a set of indicators that help identify training needs, Such as: High staff complaints, And high staff turnover, high absenteeism, delays in working hours and high rates of work accidents, and high customer complaints, low morale in staff behaviour questionnaires, A low sense of belonging and loyalty to the institution.

The second method of work analysis:

The job analysis method can determine staff management training by studying the organization’s list of job descriptions, Which includes the functions of each post and the specifications that the incumbents must meet. From this research, Some training metrics can be added, Such as:

> differences between the skills and abilities of employees and the requirements of the job.

> that the scientific qualifications or practical experience of individuals do not comply with the requirements of the performance of the job.

> the actual behavioral pattern of an individual is different from the expected pattern specified in the job description list.

The third method of individual analysis:

In this approach, The focus is on the actual level of an individual’s performance and the extent to which this performance can be improved through training, Some training measures can be derived from the following sources:

> results of performance assessments (official evaluations) that must be conducted regularly in the organization.

Supervisors > monitor the performance of subordinates (informal evaluation).

> results of tests conducted by the organization from time to time such as capacity tests and evaluation centers.

> the results of the survey, which can be conducted from time to time to understand individuals’ perceptions of their current performance and level of need for training.

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