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Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

Training is of great importance in the age in which we live. If Technological and scientific progress It’s so fast that we All the time you need to learn Skills and science Modern. not There’s a more famous example or Explain who Computer and its developments so hasty that we We need to learn new in That field is probably weekly. Look at the evolution in management sciences. And the influence of globalization on concepts The body. in Manufacturing , we find that technological development makes us have to To use advanced devices, and that’s how we need to practice. Above it.

    Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

But training isn’t connected. Only with science, knowledge and technology. modern but his training Other factors. One of the most strengthening factors our degradation points or When working in The foundation that is reducing their competence to do their job. The origin of these points of deterioration can be the erosion of education or the difference between education and the demands of effort or career transformation.
A lot of us. Whenever it starts. His working age finds out he doesn’t. Familiar with reporting effort or by arranging conferences or by laws work or in ways that examine problems. That’s why There are so many points of decline that We lack strength. By training. You often see leaders mocking the skills of graduates. The talkers are content. By talking about their diminishing level. And so the method is not Create and disrespectful.
If we try to see these people, we may discover that they have great potential and will benefit the effort a lot and they will have a quantity of loyalty to the institution that gave them training opportunities and also have a measure of evaluation for their managers who were interested in developing their skills.

Training to treat weaknesses has a great impact and great need in levels so for several reasons:

The employee may be able to do his or her job but we are trying to do work by others so that we can rotate employees from one job to another. This is a method used in many of the policies of the modern body.

The process of rotating employees between different businesses has good and stimulating aspects, including:

The employee is not bored with the same effort for years and years, and the development of a variety of experiences among employees enabling them to hold senior management positions, as well as the lack of concentration of experience in one individual and the ability to cover any scarcity of employees.

There’s another pattern of Training and what’s being released. He has to develop . Training staff on skilled experiences and actions that enable them in the future to Being able to hold higher positions And good luck in it. Companies train Staff on Manager’s management skills To be. They can hold managerial positions when Lacking company.

Training is a way to increase employee affiliation, motivate them to work and help them develop themselves within and outside the effort. That type of exercise is very simple and rare.

such as the foundation training employees to take into account their children or to act with their wives and husbands, or train them in a few foreign languages, Or train them in the form of their wealth in order to achieve substantial stability in the wake of entering retirement age, or qualifying them for retirement when they are close by informing them of the pleasure they can enjoy this period.

Besides, motivational influence . Grand For Doing The foundation with that exercise The employee’s intellectual development, family stability and success His kids make him more. Capable of Grants and conciliation in Work. A limited number of companies have her staff collaborated to study anything until If it’s far from The field of effort because that develops his idea to make him exploit His time is a good thing. in exchange for being exploited badly.

Those training courses in Topics that don’t Related to work in a picture Immediately it might Terminates her contract After working hours Participate in it the company partly like that You bear half the price and the rest is borne by the employee . And so to ensure seriousness in Training.

The importance of training for individuals

Training is important to us as individuals and there are many training courses that benefit us in developing our skills in work and life. Many of us lack the development of our skills , the modernization of themselves in all fields of management or art, the learning of modern techniques or the acquisition of knowledge to the latest related to the skills of the effort.

Success and failure of training

The success of the training is not immediately after an educational course and it is no secret to the reader the large number of courses that fail to achieve their objectives. The purpose of the course is to develop the skills of trainees or to increase their knowledge of what restricts them in their work or lives, so the inability of trainees to benefit from the training course is a failure of the training course. If the business conducts training courses to upgrade the administrative aspect and the trainees do not use the skills they have learned in their work, the course will have failed.

Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

There are many factors for the failure of the course in general:

A- The training course has no association with work: many courses are held only for the consumption of the financial budget of the exercise without taking into account the selection of the courses located and the study of training needs.

B- The course is highly theoretical: the technical director may be familiar with the theoretical background of the training subject, but he has no practical experience in the matter and thus fails to develop the practical skill experiences needed by the trainees.

T- The trainees were selected according to the wishes of the manager and not according to the request of the actual effort : few prepare the training course from The Bill of the award given by the director to those who love and thus find someone who has nothing to do with the subject of training attends the training course while the employee who needs it in his work does not attend it.

W. Trainees have no yearning to learn: it is imperative that verifying the readiness of trainees to train , some leaders will not change their management methods even if they attend hundreds of management courses because they do not believe that the Commission’s theories can be implemented in his world.

C- The training material is bad: A lot of coaches. He wants to use his training material and doesn’t He wants to change it. According to the quality of the trainees. That’s his. Bad influence. He wants an example. sooner for his reality.But the plenty of trainers Uses a training material transferred from the network international and so the examples are of the reality Newer and different environmental conditions and the training material Inappropriate neither for the coach nor for the trainee.

H. The coach cannot communicate data or develop skills: the motive for failure may be that the sports manager cannot explain the issue and use training methods

The coach is not interested in training trainees: the coach must be careful about the departure of the trainees and have acquired the skills they need

D- Joe Work No Help trainees to Do what they’ve learned: That’s a disaster. And an epidemic where he gets the intern. Skilled experiences and good knowledge then When he gets back to work, everyone refuses to. He’s allowed . Using those skills.

6 Most Important Pros of Distance Learning

Internships and external training

Internship is the training performed by employees of the foundation to their colleagues or subordinates.

That type of training may not care about him for many privileges. Internship develops the skills of the trainer and trainee and strengthens the link between them if done properly. In internships be paying attention to the company’s relevant applications and problems.

The trainer in internships is more keen to develop the skills of the trainees. Thelack and dysfunction of internships is the lack of sufficient coach experience in training or the lack of training for the trainees to the idea of being a colleague who is the coach.

This is why it may be a favorable exercise for these trainers. It is also possible to take into account that the trainer is always in a higher position than the trainees or that we can create environmental conditions and culture that accept learning from colleagues.

from The dangers of internships not The coach’s good preparation. For the exercise of references And diverse facilities only to be based on his experience No one else, and that might. Causes transport The wrong effort customs of the trainees. Those formed can be avoided by training trainers and supervising Training to ensure that the programs are prepared Well done.

On the other hand, external training is characterized by the fact that trainers may have more experience in the field of training and have a deeper theoretical (or practical) background. The outdoor exercise adds ideas from outside the business and allows employees to see another opinion and see what’s new.

The outside exercise has It’s in it. Non-training media Available in The company itself. Training courses that Contribute to it More than one company allows trainees to discuss, talk, share experiences and see Attempts by other companies In addition to the construction of good work links . External training may be commercially flawed Including that the index-oriented exercise may not bother A lot of results. Exercise , you care. As soon as the session is held and get the return Essential.

from Defects and shortcomings of external training follow the Training sometimes for the method of creating training courses with names Interesting and modern while training content is the same content for training courses Once before , and that was made before. Staff contributed. External training may be flawed after examples of reality The company and after the training content about the needs of the trainees.

Both internships and external training have advantages and disadvantages and therefore require both to be in an integrated manner . Internal training favors in Topics that He could expert it out in The foundation transferred it to who they are. The smallest experience such as the supervisor or engineer transferring experience to technicians or the managing director training workers in the technical sectors on administrative aspects And so. as for Outdoor exercise It shows its price in training courses. Specialized courses Related to science or applications Modern.

Identify training needs
Training Needs assessment

We must identify training needs periodically in order to be able to identify training courses and trainees. The examination of training needs consists of three parts:

A company that manages to implement a modern management approach will be a priority for the exercise to have the flexibility of the employees in this new format and qualify them for revision.

Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

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Learn about the importance of training for the individual and the organization

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