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PMP Project Management Professional Certificate

Pmp is an abbreviation for “project management professional”, It means a project management professional, It is an internationally recognized certificate issued by the American Project Management Association, It is one of the certificates needed to prove your ability and success. In project management, PMP is one of the useful and necessary certificates for success by making progress in project management, Project managers have a great responsibility to lead and manage their projects to succeed, So this certificate is useful; It was first used in 1984 AD Enterprise Management Institute of America, It is a non-profit organization interested in project management professionals, PMP certification is one of the most recognized and interested in project management, One of us can obtain this certificate after passing the prepared exam by taking the course prepared for it, It provides information on the project a lot of information for examples of management and projects that provide success at the international and global level, As well as methods and tools for successful projects, By experienced and competent trainers in a unique and appropriate form.

What will you learn in the PMP “Project Management Professional” course?

  • How to plan successful project management.
  • How to set a schedule and determine the right time to prepare a project.
  • Monitor project quality.
  • How to avoid and control project risks.
  • Determine the appropriate cost of the project accurately.

Requirements for the PMP Certification Examination

There may be no specific conditions for taking a qualified course for the exam, However, there are conditions for the test as follows: A person (3) has years of experience with (4,500) hours of experience after graduating from a higher equivalent. To have professional project courses equivalent to (35) hours of training from a accredited training center. Be a teacher or professor of a program accredited by the American Project Management Association. If a person has a qualification above average or average, He must show proof of experience for 5 years after graduation.

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Benefits of PMP Project Management Professional Certification

PMP certification holders have many advantages, Including: [3] Those who have received this certificate are known to have the expertise, knowledge and skills to successfully manage any project in addition to passing this test. Distinguished individuals are smart, serious and energetic, the person who wants to change and absorb all the new things, He is the one who can do this and the project management has been very successful and professional. Getting this accreditation gives the holder a great job and a great job, and in this way you can give him the confidence and accuracy of the interviews and the employer will see the person responsible. The skills and knowledge gained by the certification holder help to lead and manage projects professionally successfully, to familiarize him with many areas of project management such as: Calculating costs, management and funding, Law and statistics. PMP holders have many skills in leadership and planning, risk and time management, And how to deal with others, control, And discover problems, Solve problems to reach goals efficiently and effectively.

PMP Professional Project Management Course Features

  • Add a cv and enhance your career for the best jobs.
  • Professional project management and proof of your competence.
  • Contribute to income growth.
  • Helps increase the chances of success of projects.
  • Provides an opportunity to communicate.
  • Get an internationally accredited PMP certificate.
  • Get a higher salary in companies depending on your experience and the best skills in successful management.

Project management: is the system for the organization and management of resources, Like human resources, The project can be completed within its specific content, taking into account factors such as quality, time and cost.

PMP Project Management Professional Certificate 1 PMP Project Management Professional Certificate

Project definition:

The project here is a time-bound process or activity, That is, it has a start date and an expiration date and is implemented once in order to provide a product or service, or to make a useful change or to create added value.

There is a conflict between the nature of the project as a one-time temporary object and a permanent or semi-permanent administrative or operational process in order to provide the same product or service over and over again. Project management does not necessarily require the same requirements as permanent management and operational processes, Project management needs to take shape in terms of the technical skills required or the business philosophy.

Difficulties and challenges:

The first challenge:

Project management ensures that the project is complete while adhering to the specific constraints.

The second challenge:

The most ambitious is to achieve the best case – or so-called improvement – in terms of customizing the inputs required to meet pre-set goals.

Examples of projects:

Development of services or products.

Affects organization, employees, roads and organization systems.

Design new cars.

Develop new information systems.

Construction of buildings.

Establishing drinking water distribution networks for residential areas in developing countries.

Campaign management.

Implementation of new administrative procedures.

Project attributes:

Temporary: It has a specific start time and a specific end.

The result is unique: produces a new product, Or a new result, Or a new service that has never been seen before.

Progressive clarity: As the project progresses, The project becomes clearer, where it may take a certain amount of time in a particular project to understand its objectives, So his goals change to us over time, It becomes increasingly clear that it is possible to discover new project objectives when part of its duration expires after the project begins.

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