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Set up integrated guide training bag (free) updated 2022

Integrated Training Bag Preparation Guide 2022


The training bag preparation phase aims to develop an operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific material and the procedural steps necessary for implementation and the training bags are prepared on the basis of training objectives, knowledge, skills, training methods and means that have been taken in the design phase in order to ensure the planning and implementation of training on the basis of sound scientific and technical standards and the training bag of the program represents the final product of the pre-training stages and unites to achieve the following basic purposes:

  1. Clarify the contents, objectives, conditions, duration and targeted functions
  2. Clarification of training units for each subject, time, objectives and topics
  3. Clarify the roles involved in training (trainer and trainee)
  4. Used as a general guide to manage training sessions
  5. Provides the basic scientific material and tools necessary for practical application
  6. Provides tools to measure skills and knowledge acquisition

The goal of the guide:

This short guide aims to clarify the technical and formal standards for the preparation of training program materials bags (in service) in order to guide them when preparing bags and using them as a basis for technical review.

This guide contains two main parts, the first used by the trainer and the trainee and focuses on the containers of the training bag, while the second part explains how to prepare the manual for the implementation of the training bag for use only by the trainer.

Or not: Training material bag

One training bag is prepared for each training material so that it can be used by the trainer and trainee and the material bag consists of five main sections, each consisting of the following:

Section 1 (training bag key):

This section contains documentation and content-related elements and gives a comprehensive and general picture of the program in all its elements, and this part consists of the following elements:

  1. The cover model of the material bag, which includes the name of the training material, the program, the sector, the name of the equipment of the training bag and the scientific references and who developed the training bag.
  2. Index of key contents
  3. A copy of the approved training program guide

Section 2 (training material plan):

This section provides the training material divided into parts equal to the number of its units and separates each unit from the next one with a paper bearing the name of the following unit.

  1. The training module model, which includes the name of the training unit, the number of hours, its behavioral goal and its topics
  2. The training sessions for each unit reflect the training activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the session within a specified time frame of 50 or 100 minutes.
    1. Session No.

Section 3 (Scientific Material and Applications): This section contains the following elements:

  1. Scientific material in the form of brief definitions in the form of definitions of terms related to the topics of the training unit or a determination of the stages and steps required to implement the applications familiar with them.
  2. Training applications and tools necessary to implement them

Section 4 (evaluation):

In this part, a copy of the tools to measure the acquisition of skills and knowledge can be attached to the use of the trainee or only mention the type of evaluation and grades for each training unit, but the evaluations that the trainer prefers to keep until the time of evaluation are attached to the implementation manual and take into account the importance of linking evaluations to the objectives of the training unit. The distribution of evaluation scores by the weight of the training unit is also taken into account so that the total evaluations for all units are equivalent to the total score of the training material, which is equivalent to 100 degrees.

Section 5 (references):

This part is contained in a list of external readings related to the training unit and the basic references used, their classification numbers, publisher, date of publication and the numbers of pages related to the subject for the purposes of scientific documentation and help the trainee to refer to the main sources of the scientific material.

Secondly: Training bag execution guide

The program designer prepares the manual for the implementation of the training bag during the preparation of the training bag and attached to the training bag and walks in the same procedural line for scientific, technical and formal review and separates this guide after its final output to be ready to use the member of the training body when implementing the training material.

This guide aims to clarify the role of the trainer in the training process by clarifying the training activities and the procedures for their implementation and management within a specific time frame.

The contents of the implementation of the training bag:

The design of the training bag implementation manual is taken into account not to repeat the elements contained in the training bag, and the content of the manual for the implementation of the training bag consists of the following elements:

  1. The cover contains the name of the material, the name of the program, the name of the sector, the name of the directory and the date of preparation.
  2. The name of the training unit as mentioned in the training bag
  3. The number of the training unit as stated in the training bag
  4. The time of the training unit as stated in the training bag
  5. The number of the training session as stated in the training bag
  6. The time of the training session as stated in the training bag
  7. Description of training activities for each session
  8. Description of the procedures for carrying out each of the activities of the training session
  9. Identify the auxiliary training methods that will be used in each training session

Annexes to the manual for the implementation of the training material:

The manual for the implementation of the training material is attached to all auxiliary means such as slides, film names and classification numbers in the Library of Training Techniques.

The following form is used to fill out these contents

Sequence of contents of the implementation guide cover directory the name of the articleThe name of the program name of the sector name of the directory date of preparation of the guide the name of the guide of the implementation of the bag the name of the unit number unit time unit number session time sessionthe procedures of carrying out activitiesThe means of assistance means attachments implementation guide transparent slides names of films and numbers classified any other means of evaluations

Training bag execution guide:

Article name:-…………………

The name of the program:…………………


Training bags

Scientific review form for the training material bag

Article name:………………………………………………………………….. The name of the program:…………………………………………………
Audit criteriaReview resultObservations
Did he leave important parts of the scientific material?□ yes □ no 
Has there been a focus or dwell on topics that are not worth detailed treatment?□ yes □ no 
Is there unnecessary duplication or overlap between the parts of the material to be submitted?□ yes □ no 
Did he take into account the logical sequence of topics?□ yes □ no 
Has the information been confirmed to be correct and accurate?□ yes □ no 
Has the content been confirmed to be realistic and environmentally friendly?□ yes □ no 
Does the content of the training bag achieve the objectives of the program?□ yes □ no 
Have scientific materials been documented?□ yes □ no 
Have you taken the scientific material from appropriate and modern references?□ yes □ no 
Have the appropriate applications been developed for the topics of each training session and in a way that overwhelms knowledge?□ yes □ no 
Are there appropriate assessments of the topics of each training session?□ yes □ no 
Is knowledge brief and specific to definitions and steps necessary to gain skills?□ yes □ no 
The review team name:………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………. Signature…………… Name:…………………………………………………….. Date……………………………. Signature……………
Scientific review form for the training material bag
  • Assigned to the most experienced scientific review on the subject of the program as much as possible
  • Notes are returned to the equipment of the training bag for take.
  • Additional papers can be used for detailed notes

Training bag execution guide

The name of the unit:……………………………………………………………. Unit number:…………………. Clocks:…………………..
Session No.Time in minutes.Training activitiesActivity implementation proceduresMeans of assistance
Training bags

The skill ratio should be higher than knowledge

Procedures for developing the training material bag:

There are two types of development, Development of means of implementation (partial) includes scientific material, applications, means and evaluations, This development is carried out without reference to the department of design and development of programs so that the development is carried out under the supervision of the sector, in which case the additives are reviewed and approved appropriate for the bag and then sent to the competent department in the printing and publishing center,

The other type is a basic (holistic) development and includes the basic components of the program, such as an amendment in the number of hours allocated to the material in the approved manual of the program, training units or the time allocated to each unit or subjects, in which case the procedures for developing the training program are followed first.

The training bag is developed on the basis of what has been modified in the program

Training material bag Basic development (holistic) «Topics Program development Development of the training bag
«Unit time
«Units ««
Development of implementation methods (partial) «Training methods Sector and Management Development of the training bag
«Applications ««
«Scientific material
Training bags

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حمل النموذج المجانى

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حمل النموذج المجانى

دليل اعداد الحقائب التدريبية المتكامل 2022