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The concept of sports training

Physical training is science, art and the educational way to educate the individual to participate in sports, And getting used to daily exercises, and make it a lifestyle. It also takes into account the individual abilities of each individual.

Exercises vary by several factors, for example: Age, sex and sports training is a process that depends on a continuum and is not related to a particular season, Sports training brings many benefits to individuals and communities, Sports training has many characteristics and advantages.

Sports training characteristics

Sports training and its importance in 2022! 1 Sports training and its importance in 2022!
  1. Training varies from person to person, Taking into account the ability of different individuals, The training provided varies according to the individual’s physical and mental ability and physical strength.
  2. Maximize personal achievements at the sporting level, Especially for athletes specializing in a particular sport.
  3. Led and supervised by a coach specializing in sports training.
  4. It takes a change in your daily routine, and help commit to a prepared exercise program, Getting used to sports training as a daily practice.
  5. depends mainly on science, Especially in the fields of medicine, health and sports.
  6. Improves the mental and physical fitness of the trainee.

Benefits of sports training

Sports training and its importance in 2022! 2 Sports training and its importance in 2022!

Health benefits

Educational benefits

Educational benefits

Sports training plans

Sports training and its importance in 2022! 3 Sports training and its importance in 2022!

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