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Anger and 5 anger management skills

Anger and 5 anger management skills 1 Anger and 5 anger management skills

We all know what anger is, We’ve felt it before: Whether it’s a moment of discomfort or a wave of anger.

Anger is actually a natural human feeling, And even healthy. However, When it gets out of control and turns into a destructive feeling, Can lead to many problems, At the professional and personal levels, which in turn affects the quality of life in general. Makes you feel at the mercy of strong and unexpected feelings.

The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled? 2 The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

anger at basic human feelings, When it is caused by health reasons and directed in the right way, it is considered a basic, healthy and natural feeling, Just like feelings of happiness, sadness, anxiety or disgust.

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