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Course in training facilities management

Course in training facilities management 1 Course in training facilities management

Management science is one of the outstanding sciences that all kinds of people need, Interest in a course in the management of training facilities and the origins and rules of management as a science began in the 18th century. The rules of classical school are rooted in the hands of Adam Smith, The author of the famous adage, “Let it go, Let it pass.” He was followed by John Stewart Mill and David Ricardo with the same ideas and methods. And Voltaire, They adopted the same theory of economic development; With their complete isolation from government intervention, The opposite of this theory is Kents’ theory, which is based on the importance of government intervention. Adjusting the market mechanism to balance and prevent it from occurring deteriorates as it occurs, since the market cannot improve its position alone, Whatever the direction of these old theories, they are steps on the path of administrative competence, According to successive periods of time, We will detail much of what trainees can achieve important arguments through a course in training facilities management.

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