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Training course in human development and its components for the 21st century

Training course in human development and its components for the 21st century 1 Training course in human development and its components for the 21st century

According to Mahab Haq, Founder of the United Nations Human Development Index, Human development aims to help expand people’s choices and abilities to lead a decent life, Expand democratic participation and economic and social development. Development and self-development are part of that. After World War II, The concept of human development is beginning to become […]

Human Development Training Course 2022

Human Development Training Course 2022 2 Human Development Training Course 2022

In the daily activities of man, And in his constant interaction with those around him, Needs to constantly develop its capabilities, Allowing him to act and work at all levels. Tools and purpose for development, Human development depends on the knowledge base, specific circumstances and criteria that affect it.

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