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21st Century Business Management Training Course

إدارة الأعمال

Business Management Definition The term business administration refers to the process of organizing and coordinating businesses and usually includes several processes including: Production of machinery and materials, financing, Innovation and marketing, Management responsible for planning, organizing, controlling and directing business resources to achieve public policy objectives. for organizations or companies. [1] Business Branches There are […]

6 of the most rare information on human resources management that everyone is looking for

6 of the most rare information on human resources management that everyone is looking for 2 6 of the most rare information on human resources management that everyone is looking for

In the past, Human resources did not exist, By the end of the 18th century, Especially with the beginning of the European Industrial Revolution, The idea began to emerge. The idea of human resources emerged, And with it over time, Its function has evolved into an essential part of independent management and organization today. Today in this article we will discuss the most important information on human resources.

Human Resources Management and its top 9 jobs

Human Resources Management and its top 9 jobs 3 Human Resources Management and its top 9 jobs

Human resources are among the most important resources for promoting social progress, The more quality and efficiency of these resources emerge, The prosperity and development of these societies has increased.

PMI Project Management Institute

PMI Project Management Institute 4 PMI Project Management Institute

The Institute of Project Management (PMI) is the leading professional certification of project management specialists and progress in project management. PMI has a global footprint in nearly 200 countries. Institute of Project Management, Based in Newton Square outside Philadelphia, Provides a certificate for project management specialists, Vocational training and educational resources. The group also maintains research programs to develop scientific and practical competencies in the industry.

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