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7 of the best pmp courses (professional project management)

7 of the best pmp courses (professional project management) 1 7 of the best pmp courses (professional project management)

6. Full project management course (free online training course)

What are you going to learn in this course?

Introduction to project management.

Project stages.

Determine the scope of the project.

How to manage project objectives.

How to manage project time.

Quality management.

Human Resources Management.

How to manage communications during the project.

Project risk management.

How to manage purchases in projects.

7. Professional Certificate Qualification Course in Project Management (PMP)

Course content:-

An entry for the new project management manual.

Project cost management.

The general framework for project management.

Managing the project’s human resources.

Project management stages.

Management of the supply of project supplies and purchases.

Professional ethics for project management.

Project quality management.

حمل النموذج المجانى

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حمل النموذج المجانى