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Training skills that make you a professional in the executive secretariat in the 21st century

Training skills that make you a professional in the executive secretariat in the 21st century 1 Training skills that make you a professional in the executive secretariat in the 21st century

Honesty is a function based on data and information about the work of an organization, Or on behalf of someone else, It is usually the manager in charge, The secretariat is also known as the person who works for someone else, Or in an official office to help perform administrative tasks and follow up correspondence and records. From another definition of the secretariat: This work relates to the responsibilities of an individual who works within a company, association or institution and involves following up on the administrative matters assigned to her, Such as saving documents, writing data, and doing office work.

Secretary Executive Training Course 2022

Secretary Executive Training Course 2022 2 Secretary Executive Training Course 2022

A secretary is a work based on the organization of data and information about a work, or on behalf of another person who is usually the responsible manager and the secretariat is also defined as having a person work for someone else, or in an official office to assist in the implementation of administrative tasks, and to follow up correspondence and records. [2] Another definition of the secretariat is the function associated with the responsibility of an individual who works within a company, association or institution, and is interested in following up on the administrative affairs assigned to it, such as filing files, writing data, and doing office work. [3] The secretarial function has become indispensable in all companies within its organizational scheme, and depends on the employee’s excellence in a range of skills, the ability to apply their own administrative and functional tasks, the manager’s often busy conducting some of the company’s own routines has led to a necessary need for a secretarial function, in order to maintain the application of such work, such as writing and arranging appointments, keeping important files in a way that helps to access them easily, and some departments select employees. Secretariat of certain categories, the most important of which is the special secretariat and the specialized secretariat, in order to carry out many functions and tasks within the competence of each of them, hence the general importance of the secretariat by helping it to implement many tasks, and providing assistance and support for all the work of the department. The well-known picture of the secretary’s career is relatively typical, because it relies on previous ideas that are not related to the nature of management in the modern era, most people believe that the role of secretary is limited to answering the phone, organizing papers and mail in order to deliver them to the manager, but the excellence in the secretary’s profession from other professions shows that she needs high intelligence, the ability to deal well with others, as well as excellence in an acceptable and appropriate appearance of the working environment.

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