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Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature

Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature 1 Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature

The concept of dialogue is that dialogue between multiple parties is done in a way of giving and responding, The unity of purpose is the starting point for dialogue. Acknowledgment, And using the concept of dialogue is not new as some think that dialogue is giving and taking between two or more parties, This is a review of speeches to reach the concept of convergence and common language, And a unified diagnosis, The purpose of solving outstanding problems and issues as much as possible, The concept of dialogue is the kind of dialogue in which two or two teams somehow exchange language, and the concept of dialogue is one of the new concepts in contemporary cultural and political thought that has recently been circulated, The novelty and seriousness of this concept is evidenced by the fact that all international conventions are issued in the form of contracts. United Nations, The word dropped the dialogue, The concept of dialogue can be defined from previous definitions as the exchange of ideas and opinions on a particular topic or issue between two or more parties in an equal way, Away from intolerance, To reach the concept of convergence or commonalities and resolve differences. peacefully and conflict.

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it 2 The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

Before talking about the art of successful dialogue, dialogue must be defined because dialogue is defined as a speech between the speaker and the listener through which the speaker can review the dialogue and convey it and communicate with the listener, whose goal is to generate new ideas in the speaker’s mind and not just rely on old ideas, In this kind of dialogue, Meaning can be clarified, and enrich concepts, Other ideas can be presented between the speaker and the listener, The purpose of the dialogue is to discuss why, Stay away from violence.

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