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How to be a professional trainer in training during training courses in the 21st century


1- Start training by welcoming participants and introducing themselves, Then ask them to introduce themselves to their experience and location.

2. Continue to look at trainees, And spread your eyes on all the trainees, Be cheerful and don’t be offended.

3- Try to break down the barriers between you and the trainee and each other, The introduction and self-definition may be enough, Some group exercises can be done at first, This depends on the duration of the training, The extent of his officiality, the age and status of the trainee.

The new coach faces a lot of challenges.

The new coach faces a lot of challenges. 1 The new coach faces a lot of challenges.

If you are a new coach you should know that training is not just information that is passed on to people, Because this information has ways to get out, But also methods of evaluation, presentation, organization and control. Some conditions for successful training.

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