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The 6 Creative Thinking Strategies

Creative thinking strategies

How will creative thinking help me overcome problems and pursue my hobbies? You can do this by learning creative thinking strategies[6]:

  1. Develop creative courage: Many people lack the courage to use new creative methods in the workplace. Everyone suffers from certain defects, Maybe physical, hinder their progress, But creative thinking gives us the courage to turn our flaws into an advantage. From what the writer Ernest Hemingway read with difficulty struggled to develop a new style of writing, Guitarist Django Reinhardt invented a new style of guitar because some of his fingers were paralyzed.
  2. Keep minds updated: Because the world and minds are constantly changing and everything is constantly updated, We must constantly update ourselves to keep up with development and change, This means that we must be educated for life and not be stuck with a certain superior idea.
  3. Work-life balance: The creative person chooses a lifestyle and then tries to figure out what to do to achieve it, A person must choose a path that allows him to work as efficiently as possible while balancing work and scientific life.
  4. Listening response: Creators listen to criticism and then change their thinking accordingly. Reactions and criticism can be an inspiration, And change the course of a person’s life, It can create a creative and inspiring person.
  5. Reimagining: Creators are not magicians unless they create ideas from scratch, But they actually heard or saw the work or the idea that inspired them and their movement, And they reimagined it in their own way, They turned it into something new and unique.

Measures of creative thinking

The 6 Creative Thinking Strategies 1 The 6 Creative Thinking Strategies

How do you categorize ideas or businesses? What are these criteria? [7]

  • Measures a person’s creativity or the Gilford scale: Focuses on creative production and relies on general standards, I.e. fluency, flexibility, originality and details. The value of creative production, Its advantage is that it measures production in a clear and quantifiable way.
  • Measures the degree of creativity of the work: refers to changes in the shape and content of creative work, And whether creative work is a tradition of another work, or a completely new work that has never been addressed before, We are allowed to do so. Compare work design to other works. Ratio, The downside of this measure is that it tells us nothing about the importance, value, validity of the work and its positive aspects: Measure creative work and compare it with other works and evaluate the novelty or tradition of the work.
  • Measure creative work according to standards or demand models: Creative work is evaluated according to the criteria set before the work is carried out, In the case of construction, Engineers begin to develop a home design plan to understand the cost, number of rooms, kitchen shape, space and other requirements immediately after the completion of the project. Like whether the number of rooms is correct, Whether the project was completed at the specified cost, and other assessments, The negative evaluation of this measure is compared to the work itself, And not with other works, Its advantages are whether it measures value or effectiveness against clearly defined requirements.
  • Measuring the social value of creative work or the Csiksen-Mihai system model: The work is considered to involve three parties, the person, and the category to which the work belongs, Others who participate in the work. Social or cultural response to work, So creativity doesn’t mean any old work, Acceptance immediately is the key.

Creative thinking theories

inAs soon as creativity is dynamic, Most creative theories are true, The most important are:

  • Gilford Theory: In this theory Gilford tries to build a complete model of intelligence, Each mental task is assumed to consist of three parts: process, content, product, He says that the number of mental tasks is 120, And in these tasks, Gilford defines the process as an important part of disparate production or creativity, describing this product with content and 24 possibilities as complex thinking. The theory states that creativity is a specific subset of cognitive abilities that result from:
  • Fluency, Whether it’s intellectual, or the ability to generate large numbers of ideas, or bonding fluency, and the ability to create lists of words associated with a particular word, or expressive fluency, The organization of words in larger units of phrases, sentences and paragraphs.
  • Flexibility, Whether automatic or adaptive.
The 6 Creative Thinking Strategies 2 The 6 Creative Thinking Strategies

After this theory, Researchers have begun to categorize mental abilities into supposed subgroups on how mental capacities disintegrate, It is a theory that will explain part of gilford’s creativity.

  • Kerry Unsworth’s Theory: This theory states that it is not only raw intelligence that affects creative thinking, But the environment is as important as the creative factor. There are 4 types of creativity:
    • Responsive creativity controls external factors, We often see it in professional settings.
    • Expected creativity: It comes from external factors that we often see in art and poetry.
  • Active creativity: Driven by internal factors, In dealing with an uncertain problem to be found, It is synonymous with spontaneous creativity and is a problem that is not clear, But it is a problem that is found and resolved as needed.
  • Contributing to creativity: driven by internal factors, Those who exercise it are voluntary and not coerced by any external force. Context is a kind of creativity, Innovation has to do with the implementation of ideas, While creativity only describes generating ideas.
  • Digman Personality Type Theory: she argues that the type of personality a person determines has an impact on the creative process, And that the personality traits that affect creativity are openness, conscience, harmony, neuroticism and simplicity, Instead of realizing how these personality traits affect creativity. Creative thinking and focus the important point is that the character as a whole has an impact on the creative process.

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