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The concept of dialogue

Before talking about the art of successful dialogue , dialogue must be defined because dialogue is defined as a speech between the speaker and the listener through which the speaker can review the dialogue and convey it and communicate with the listener, whose goal is to generate new ideas in the speaker’s mind and not just rely on old ideas, In this kind of dialogue, Meaning can be clarified, and enrich concepts, Other ideas can be presented between the speaker and the listener, The purpose of the dialogue is to discuss why, Stay away from violence.

The art of successful dialogue

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it 1 The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

The art of successful conversation is essential to building bridges of communication, A few words may build decades of trust, The sentence may help dismantle the trust that was built decades ago. necessary because it distinguishes people from other creatures, Through dialogue, We reach our goal, And stay away from any way to reduce self-esteem, or disparaging others, or causing disrespect to them. For the art of dialogue to succeed, The following points should be taken into account:

Ways to learn the art of dialogue

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it 2 The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

The art of conversation and the art of speech can be learned by:

Tips for mastering the art of dialogue

There are some methods for a successful conversation, They are:

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it 3 The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

Ask questions

The art of dialogue and ways to learn it 4 The art of dialogue and ways to learn it

The success of the conversation is associated with the habit of asking different questions to the other person in the right way to start a successful conversation with the other person, It is important to note that it is not necessary to know much about literature, politics or art, Making jokes to create a good conversation may also be inappropriate. Instead, One may need to acquire the art of conversation and success with others is all about using the question to get close to the other person, For example, you can start with a bunch of questions about the same person, Then you can comment on the answers and listen to him quietly and answer him by asking him how he feels about these things that matter to him, And pay attention to him with sensitivity and attention, Because you can ask for clarification to continue communicating well with him.

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