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Training bags contain a range of concepts to express these packages and the contents of these packages, Below we will understand the concept of training bags.

Training bag:

It is a set of training expertise that is designed and prepared by a group of professional experts in a systematic, organized and coordinated manner and used as a training medium for trainers.

The concept of training bags

Training package:

It is the operational plan of the actual training process, Preparing the scientific material, activities and procedural steps required for implementation in accordance with the objectives of the training.

Some are also expanding the concept of the training package to include all equipment, tools, materials, strategies and tactics comprehensively designed to influence the trainee’s knowledge, skills and behavior to achieve his desired goals. He must learn.

Training package:

A range of tools, machines, information and information to help students or target groups understand the training material and gain a range of knowledge and skills by dealing directly with the components of the training bag.

Basic purposes of training bags:

The training bag is designed to achieve a number of basic goals, one of the importants:

What are the types of training bags:

There are several types of training packages that vary by purpose, design, content, training activities and topics.

What are the components of training bags:

The training package consists of five parts, We’ll get to know them below:

1. Key to the training bag:

In addition to the content of the training bag, This section contains all the elements related to the training package, And what the training bag is trying to achieve, and document it.

Theoretical training content:

The theoretical framework of the training package containing all the information is to help the trainee understand the subject of the package and the ability to perform basic applications.

Training content:

For the practical application of the training bag, This section is divided into training units, Each training unit has training courses.

4. Evaluation of the training package:

This section includes tools to evaluate training content and measure metrics to achieve the objectives of the training package.

5. Sources of learning and accompanying educational materials.

Reporting and its importance

Characteristics of training bags:

Quality standards for training bags:

So that the training bags are good, You must meet quality standards, The most prominent are:

Features of training bags:

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